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There was no stock on hand now but two peppermint sticks and some tire tape. Suddenly a most astonishing thing happened. The sound of an automobile horn was heard in the distance. A deep, melodious, dignified horn. Not since the passing of the six merry maidens had such welcome music sounded in Pee-wee's enraptured ears.

Let's start in and maybe later there'll be some summer boarders in Berryville. We'll have waffles I can make those. And we'll have lemonade and fruit and all kinds of things and when you're doing your chores I'll tend counter. We'll make a lot of money, you see if we don't." In her generous confidence, Pepsy was quite carried away by Pee-wee's enthusiasm.

The face was effectually concealed by a huge hat as is the case with most scarecrows, and all the cast-off clothing of Everdoze for centuries back seemed combined here in incongruous array. What was Pee-wee's consternation when he beheld this figure actually descend from the fence and come shambling over toward him.

Pee-wee's pride was as great as his voice and his appetite, and he would not sponge on the patrols which had a full membership and were busy with their own concerns. The rock on which he had stood all winter had split in three and there was no place for him on any of the pieces.

The thought that there was a living presence in that spooky dungeon struck terror to Pee-wee's very soul. He could not bring himself to move, much less to speak. But he could not stand idly where he was, and if he should stumble over a human form in that unknown blackness.... What could be more appalling than that? Was this uncanny place a prison for poor, injured captives?

He saw their looks of fear and inquiry, saw the almost panic agitation in Pee-wee's round face and sleepy eyes. "It's all right," Roy said, trying to control his jerky, nervous speech. "Where's Warde?" "Shh, he's all right Blythe Blythe is up there he's in a kind of fit he's crazy he's the he's the one, all right he's Darrell shh, wait don't go up. Do you see this?

"Thank goodness for that," Doc Carson said, It's as long as a spelling lesson or Pee-wee's tongue." "It'll be a pretty expensive name; it'll take a lot of paint," Brick Warner said. "We should worry," I said. So then I made some coffee, because I'm the troop cook, and we thought it was best to eat before we started. That bunch is always hungry.

In the center stood a pyramid of triangular sandwiches, rivalling in magnitude the pyramids of Egypt. This was flanked by two gorgeous icing cakes, one white and one brown. A bowl of chicken salad overflowed its cut glass confines, the same as Pee-wee's island had overflowed its trusty scow.

Once in that Pepsy felt that her fate would be sealed. She had never been away from Everdoze since she had first been taken there. Baxter City was a vast place which she had seen in her dreams, a place where people were arrested and run over and where the constables were dressed up like soldiers. She clung tight to Pee-wee's hand.

You tell that little scout feller I'm coming to make you a visit n' that, I usually drink nine glasses of lemonade. Now you run along and get to bed quick." "Thanks," she said, her voice trembling. So Pepsy took her way silently along the dark road. Her bank had failed, she could do nothing more. This was a strange sequel to follow Pee-wee's glowing representations about good turns.