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There had been no joyous self-confidence in that hour, none in the distressed hour at the Orpheum, and the hour just past, when Cherry's rarely displayed passion had wrenched from him his last vestige of doubt. But this was the culminating unhappiness, that he should know, from Alix's brave and gentle and generous look as they parted, that Alix knew.

His friend regarded him with the innocent stare which had made his fortune. "Remember I spoke to you some time ago about renting that space over the Orpheum?" "The nursery? Yes." "Well, it's come up again. Different party, this time.

Through the jostling, good-natured crowd which blocked the sidewalk in front of the Orpheum Theatre, that Sunday at two o'clock, a policeman in uniform pushed his way to the ticket-booth. "Where's the manager?" The ticket-seller bobbed her head backwards. "First door on the left." The policeman stalked through the lobby, and found the door; knocked belligerently, and stepped inside.

Mix, goggle-eyed, jumped for the telephone, and called the City Hall, but as soon as the Mayor was on the wire, Mr. Mix wrestled down his excitement, and spoke in his embassy voice. "Hello Rowland? This is Mix. I want to ask you if you've seen an ad of the Orpheum Theatre in this morning's paper?... Well, what do you propose to do about it?" The Mayor answered him in a single word: Mr.

"You promised to go to the Orpheum with me, and I waited and I waited and you did not come. But that is nothing, of course!" Julia's anger smote her dumb for a moment. Then she jerked her arm from his, and burst out: "I'll TELL you why I didn't meet you to-night, Mark Rosenthal, and if you don't like it, you know what you can do!

Mix had shaken with consternation when he saw the advertisement of the Orpheum, Henry shook with far different sentiments when he saw the announcement in eulogy of Mr. Mix. It was clear in his mind, now, that Mr. Mix wasn't the sort of man to marry on speculation; Henry guessed that Mirabelle had confided to him the terms of the trust agreement, and that Mr.

"I knew he was with those friends of mine at the Orpheum last night, but I didn't expect him to call for me at Tait's or rather I thought they'd all come in after me. There wasn't anything special about it no special appointment with him, I mean."

There had been one or two scandals about the Orpheum which had reached the public Press scandals of a not particularly edifying character. But Pinto had managed to escape public opprobrium. The Orpheum, at any rate, helped to baffle the police, who saw Silva living at the rate of twenty thousand a year, and were unable to trace the source of his income.

Last night " began Miss Thornton, impressively, "Last night I and Min and Floss and Harold Clarke went into the Techau for supper, after the Orpheum show. Well, after we got seated we had a table way at the back I suddenly noticed Violet Kirk, sitting in one of those private alcoves, you know ?" "For Heaven's sake!" said Susan, in proper horror. "Yes.

Diemann thought of the three months through which the scrub trains religiously, sacrificing beloved pipe, or sorority dance, or week's end trip to Mayfield, or to the Orpheum in town; leaving the "gang" singing in the moonlit Quad, while he turns in at ten according to pledge; faring day after day on the same service of rare beef and oatmeal water; getting pounded and battered about over a hard field every afternoon.