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"In that case," said Malcolm, with a composure almost ghastly, "a man maun tak what mither it pleases God to gie him. But faith! she winna du wi' me as wi' the puir laird. Gien she taks me up, she'll repent 'at she didna lat me lie. She'll be as little pleased wi' the tane o' her sons as the tither I can tell her, ohn propheseed!"

I can aye win throu' wi' my work ohn swatten," said Jeames, with a smile in which mingled a half comical sadness. The laird thanked him, and sat down. Cosmo placed himself on a stool beside him. "I hae naething upo' han' the day," Jeames Merson went on, "but a watch o' Jeames Gracie's, up at the Know ane o' yer ain fowk, laird. He tells me it was your gran'father, sir, gied it til his gran'father.

'It's queer 'at things winna gang up ohn hauden them doon. Pu' a guid han'fu' o' clover, Shargar. She's had her fa', an' noo she'll gang up a' richt. She's nane the waur o' 't. Upon the next attempt, the kite rose triumphantly.

'Ye're in a waur hurry nor ye ken, for yer hurry sud be the ither gait! answered Kirsty; 'and I'm gaein to turn ye, or at least no gaein to lat ye gang, ohn heard a bit o' the trowth frae a woman aulder nor yersel! Lassie, ye seem to think naebody worth hearkenin til a word frae 'cep ae man, but I mean ye to hearken to me! Ye dinna ken what ye're aboot!

'But what'll we du aboot it or we gang? It's the storm may come on again waur nor ever, and mak it impossible to beery her for a month! 'We cudna carry her hame atween's, Dauvid think ye? 'Na, na; it's no as gien it was hersel! And cauld's a fine keeper better nor a' the embalmin o' the Egyptians! Only I'm fain to hand Steenie ohn seen her again!

'I'll stan' hunger as weel 's you ony day, Hector. It's no for mysel'. There's Miss St. John. 'Hoots! said Hector, peevishly, for he wanted to go to sleep again, 'gang and mak luve till her. Nae lass 'll think o' meat as lang 's ye do that. That 'll haud her ohn hungert. The words were like blasphemy in Robert's ear. He make love to Miss St. John! He turned from the coach-door in disgust.

Ony gait, I never drank better drink; an' gien ae day he but saitisfee my sowl's hunger efter his richteousness as he has this minute saitisfeed my body's drowth efter watter, I s' be a happier man nor ever sat still ohn danced an' sung." "It's an innocent cratur' at gies thanks for cauld watter I hae aye remarkit that!" said Grizzie.

Full of rough but real politeness to women when in good humour, he lost all his manners along with his temper upon the slightest provocation, and her tone irritated him. 'Hoo cam Robert's shune to be i' your shop? 'Somebody bude till hae brocht them, mem. In a' my expairience, and that's no sma', I never kent pair o' shune gang ohn a pair o' feet i' the wame o' them.

All the time he had not missed a single stroke of his hammer on the benleather between it and his lapstone. When she rejoined Cosmo, where he stood leaning his back against the wind in the middle of the road, "Come nae farther, Aggie," he said. "It's an ill nicht, an' grows waur. There's nae guid in't naither, for we winna hear ane anither speyk ohn stoppit, an' turnt oor backs til't.

"A thoosan' poun'! No ae baubee! Cosmo, I wad hae thoucht ye had mair sense! Ye can gie me the twa poun' ten I gae to Grizzie to help haud the life in 's a'. A body maun hae something i' their pooch gien they can, an' gien they canna, they maun du wi' naething. It's won'erfu' hoo little 's railly wantit!" Cosmo felt miserable. "Ye winna surely gang ohn seein' Maister Simon!"