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Updated: January 10, 2025
Deulin glanced at him as if there were matter for surprise in the sound of it. "Like a monstrosity going to a fair," he said. "And I shall go with you. I will even lunch with you at the station a station steak and a beery table. There is only one room at the station for those who eat and those who await their trains.
Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, men's beery piss, the stale of ferment. Couldn't eat a morsel here. Fellow sharpening knife and fork to eat all before him, old chap picking his tootles. Slight spasm, full, chewing the cud. Before and after. Grace after meals. Look on this picture then on that. Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread.
His face had the beery, bruised appearance of the continual drinker's; it was covered with a network of congested veins, purple in ordinary circumstances, but now pale violet, for even with his back to the fire the cold pinched him on the other side. His cowl had half fallen back, and made a strange excrescence on either side of his bull neck.
"Fain wud I screw the reid heid o' 'im intil that same kist, and hand him there, short o' smorin!" he muttered as he went back to the house. "Faith, I could 'maist beery him ootricht!" he concluded, with a grim smile.
Stumps, her husband, a short, easy-going shoemaker, with a beery, humorous eye and ponderous calves, who lived mostly on his wife's earnings, stood in a corner of the room, exchanging shots of the roughest description of repartee with every boy in turn. "Stumps, you lout, you've had too much beer again to-day." "'Twasn't of your paying for, then."
Your father's fate is certain if I act, for I can call a witness you remember Major Tixall, a beery but insinuating person whose evidence is enough to hang him fifty times over. Whether or not I produce it depends, as I say, on the depth of your affection for him." "I shall know how to save my father, my lord, when the time comes. Now, perhaps, having played your last card, you will leave me."
There are, of course, a few blackguards who crack filthy jokes over the counter, but if a girl likes she needn't listen a girl can always keep a man in his place. Then if a man flirts with a girl he always loves her, likes her, if you think 'like' a better word; but you must admit that in the most beery flirtation there must be a certain amount of liking.
Many sottish-looking, or if not sottish with the beery texture of those whose only recreation is to be bestially merry at the drink-shop. This was the impression in which the few who strode with the free air of the ideal Australian workman were lost, as the few comfortable seeming women were lost in the general weariness of their weary sex. Jollity there was none to speak of.
"I don't think you will want me there." The trap in the roof was opened, and a beery eye, with a luscious smile in it, peered down upon them. "'Ad enough of the river, sir?" "Comment?" said Artois. "We'd better go home, I suppose," Hermione said. She gave her address to the cabman, and they drove in silence to Eaton Place.
At my journey's end, I recollect, I went into a public-house. There was a person there whose presence made a deep impression upon my memory. A fine stocky lad, with a great square jaw, heavy beery jowls, and a blue-black, bearded chin; in a blue striped collar.
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