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"Suppose you press one of those little feelers and blow us all to pieces get away, I tell you!" The mine-sweeper skipper looked up "Feelers, sir?" and then looked down at the mine. "Feelers, sir? Oh-h, you mean them little 'orns stickin' out on 'er? Bly-mee, sir, I thought I'd knocked 'em all hoff afore I lashed her alongside.

Mother yelled. "Run! RUN, and fetch your father!" Joe went and brought Jack. "Oh-h, my God!" Mother moaned, as Jack stood at the door, staring strangely at her. "Kill it! why don't he kill it?" Jack did n't move, but talked to himself. Mother shuddered. The reptile crawled to the bedroom door. Then for the first time the man's eyes rested upon it.

Morning, Miss Vernon! Ripping day, isn't it? Glad to see you in King's. Saw you long before you spotted me, and enjoyed your enjoyment. Never forgot my first services. Good to be there, isn't it?" "Oh-h!" Darsie's deep-drawn breath of rapture was an eloquent response. "I have been happy! I've never in my life seen anything so wonderful before.

It was it was a powerful reptile form, in armor of jetty scales, trailing its six-foot length away, the noise of its mighty tail-blows against the earth and flying pebbles calling all the Dumps the Doleful Dumps out of the dens where they hid here, making them take strange and shadowy shapes, gigantic shapes, of threat. "Let me get out! Oh-h! I want to get out, away anywhere!" shuddered Una.

And right then he'd sure play even for some of the insults they were handing him now. "Mary V Selmer? Let's see the name sounds familiar, somehow. O-oh! You mean that little red-headed ranch girl from Arizona? Oh-h, yes! Well, give her a free pass but I mustn't be bothered personally with her. The girl's all right, but no training, no manners. Hick stuff; no class, you understand.

"What Moulder's asleep is he?" she said as she entered the room. "I suppose that's as good as a pair of gloves, any way." "He ain't just very well," said Mrs. Moulder, winking at her friend; "he's tired after a long journey." "Oh-h! ah-h!" said Mrs. Smiley, looking down upon the sleeping beauty, and understanding everything at a glance.

"As if we couldn't hire a carriage in Gorey," Win retorted, but with a second glance at the driver, his attention was distracted. "Oh-h!" he said in perplexity, "that's the fellow who was in the Royal Square that morning. Now, where in the wide world have I seen him before?" Thinking hard, Win stared with puckered brows. Suddenly his face cleared.

Wildly she seized the other girl's creamy flannels, buoyed like a great, pale water-lily upon the imprisoned lake-water. "Catch c-catch me by the belt Una! I I'll try-y to save you! Oh-h! s-stick ti-ight now."

"How's Californy for weather?" "Oh-h it has all kinds, same as here." Lance did not want to talk about California just then, but he followed the lead easily enough. "You can get anything you want in California. In two hours you can go from twenty-five feet of snow to orange groves.

"It'll do you good." "He's certainly trainin' him some," said Stover. "Larry, I've got a cramp!" "It did harden him," acknowledged Willie. "What's wrong with you, anyhow?" demanded Glass. "It's not me, it's the w-w-water!" Evidently Speed made a frantic lunge here and escaped, for the flow of water ceased. "It froze d-d-during the night. Oh-h! I'm cold!" "Cold, eh?