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The charm is good against spells. O-ho Oho-o! What fools we are, white and black together! That is what Cetewayo is thinking to-day." After this Nombe became much more agreeable. That is to say she was very polite, her smile was more fixed and her eyes more unfathomable than ever. Evidently Zikali had spoken to her and she had listened.

"O-ho!" exclaimed Wunpost as the idea suddenly dawned on him and once more he experienced a twinge of regret. This time it was for the occasion when he had shown scornful Blackwater that seven thousand dollars in bills. And he had with him now in his pants, as the Indian said no less than thirty thousand dollars in one roll. And all because he had lost his faith in banks.

This one command, at least, was implicitly obeyed, for in a moment the disappointed squad returned. The carbine butts were grounded; the troopers stood at orderly attention, while their officer stepped toward the table. "What's your name, little monkey?" Virgie raised her eyes in swift reproach. "I don't like to be called a monkey. It it isn't respectful." The Union soldier laughed. "O-ho! I see."

"O-ho, I thought you was broke!" He opened the purse with great deliberation, laying bare a great sheaf of bills, and as his wife and daughter came hurrying down the steps he counted the hobo's hoard. "Over eight hundred dollars," he announced with ominous calm. "Some roll, when a man is bumming his meals and can't even stop to say thanks " "He's coming back for it," broke in his wife anxiously.

Mennell? methinks thou askest: I never heard of such a man as Captain Mennell. Very likely. But knowest thou not young Newcomb, honest Doleman's newphew? O-ho! Is it he? It is. And I have changed his name by virtue of my own single authority. Knowest thou not, that I am a great name-father? Preferment I bestow, both military and civil. I give estates, and take them away at my pleasure.

But now they were driving out for milking up there, and the cattle were beginning to graze along the edge of the meadow that turned toward the farm; so the time was drawing near. At last the herd-boys began to jodel over at the neighboring farms, first one, and then several joining in: "Oh, drive home, o-ho, o-o-ho! O-ho, o-ho! O-ho, o-ho! Oh, drive home, o-o-ho! O-ho!"

Pat suddenly found her tongue in the nick of time, too, for a paralysis of fright had finished poor Gyp. "We must have made a mistake, Mr. Stratman. We are very sorry to have bothered you. We are in search of a certain party that that has a white streak in his hair." "O-ho," the undertaker clapped his hand to his head. "So that's the ticket, hey?

Constantly the number of floating logs augmented, however. Many had already gone by. "If you think you're busy now," said Orde to himself with a chuckle, "just wait until you begin to get LOGS." He watched for a few moments in silence. "What's he doing with that tug?" thought he. "O-ho! He's stringing booms across the river to hold the whole outfit."

"Rulers!" says Hal, putting his hand to his eye, where the poor tutor still bore marks of the late scuffle. "Rulers, o-ho!" It was too much. The boys burst out in an explosion of laughter. Mrs.

Gatewood said: "I don't know the truth is I don't care " And stopped. "O-ho!" mused Keen slowly. "I think I understand. Am I wrong, Mr. Gatewood, in surmising that this young lady whom you seek is, in your eyes, very I may say ideally gifted?" "She is my ideal," replied the young man, coloring. "Exactly. And her general allure?" "Charming!"