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Th' on'y person that ought to be able to get near enough a rale king to kill him is a jook, or th' likes iv that. Th' idee iv a man from Noo Jarsey havin' th' chanst!" "What on earth's to be done about thim arnychists?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "What ails thim annyhow? What do they want?" "Th' Lord on'y knows," said Mr. Dooley. "They don't want annything, that's what they want.

'It was you, was it, returned Squeers, 'that helped off my runaway boy? It was you, was it? 'Me! returned John, in a loud tone. 'Yes, it wa' me, coom; wa'at o' that? It wa' me. Noo then! 'You hear him say he did it, my child! said Squeers, appealing to his daughter. 'You hear him say he did it! 'Did it! cried John. 'I'll tell 'ee more; hear this, too.

"Now, Farmer Nicholas Snowe," I said, scarce knowing how to begin it, "you must promise not to be vexed with me, for what I am going to say to you." "Vaxed wi' thee! Noo, noo, my lad. I 'ave a knowed thee too long for that. And thy veyther were my best friend, afore thee. Never wronged his neighbours, never spak an unkind word, never had no maneness in him.

And noo she's back til her father, bricht and licht and bonny as the lown starry nicht! Eh, but it maks me happy to think o' 't! 'Sae it maks me! responded Kirsty, feeling, as she regarded him, like a glorified mother beholding her child walking in the truth.

"In-ter-doo-cin' Young Leary," he bellowed impressively, "a noo member of this chub, who will box some good boy here in September." He walked to the other side of the ring and repeated the remark. A raucous welcome was accorded to the new member.

"What at?" said the doctor, who was startled by the man's energy. "What do you see natives?" "No, no, sir; there, sir, in a row along beyond the sands. Noo milk for that there lad, sir. Vegetable cows cocoanuts. Plenty for years to come." "Yes, we shall be in the midst of plenty," said the doctor, looking wistfully round. "Prisoners, perhaps, but happily provided for. Look yonder, Bostock."

NOW, will you fight like a man?" Dannie made a spring, and Jimmy crumpled up in his grasp. "Noo, I will choke the miserable tongue out of your heid, and twist the heid off your body, and tear the body to mince-meat," raved Dannie, and he promptly began the job. With one awful effort Jimmy tore the gripping hands from his throat a little. "Lie!" he gasped. "It's all a lie!" "It's the truth!

"I doot I've made a mistake in choosin' you," said Glendinning with some asperity, after a few moments, "but it's ower late noo to rectifee't. What ails ye, lad? What hae ye seen?" "I have seen what I did not believe possible," answered the other with suppressed feeling.

There was just a little accent to her words, which made them, in their peculiarity, all the more sweet to me; but she spoke good English; the "noo" which slipped out now and then, with one or two other like words, came only, I found, at times when the fountain of feeling was more full than ordinary, and so flowed over into the disused old channel.

I'll make her my residooary legatee, an' wotever else is needful; but, in the meantime, you may as well see that she's got all that she wants. Build her a noo house too. I'm told that Grubb's Court ain't exactly aristocratic or clean; see to that. Wotever you advance out o' yer own pocket, I'll pay back with interest. That's to begin with, tell 'em.