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"Why didn't you call me an oppressor of the poor, and a blood-sucker? why didn't you say I was a hard-hearted beggarly upstart, that rose from maneness and cheatery, and am now tyrannizin' over hundreds that's a thousand times betther than myself? Why don't you say that I'd sell my church and my religion to their worst enemies, and that for the sake of filthy lucre and blackguard upstart pride?

Will you confess yourself a guilty man, and own to the maneness of your nature in concocting a plot to ruin the innocent boy, Will Scarlett? or will ye keep your lips shut, and feel the power of this right ahrum?" "You're all a set o' cowards," burst from Dent. "Let me go free, this minute I'll have the law of you I had nothing to say to Scarlett's imprisonment."

"Now, Farmer Nicholas Snowe," I said, scarce knowing how to begin it, "you must promise not to be vexed with me, for what I am going to say to you." "Vaxed wi' thee! Noo, noo, my lad. I 'ave a knowed thee too long for that. And thy veyther were my best friend, afore thee. Never wronged his neighbours, never spak an unkind word, never had no maneness in him.

"I only asked you, or tried to ask you, if he would be likely to require you to tattle and to be a tell-tale, if he were so good as you describe him?" "It were jist putting before me eyes the maneness of the man. Is that nothing at all, and he a praste?" "Well, well, Annorah, we will say no more about him now. I am tired, and must rest. You won't mind being still a while?"

There niver was his ditto for desait, maneness and divilry!" A minute or two after the widow had left him, Barry found himself by his sister's bed-side, but never had he found himself in a position for which he was less fitted, or which was less easy to him.

I just mention this privately, lest you might not be properly on your guard, and to prevent any appearance of maneness; or in short, I hope you have abundance of everything; I hope you have, and that, not for your own sake so much as for that of your son.

"Bekaise," he added, "if I knew, maybe I might be able to put in a good word for you, now and then, accordin' as I got an opportunity." "For me!" she replied indignantly; "what! to beg him get fond o' me! Oh, its wondherful the maneness that's in a'most every one you meet.

"Maneness goes wid the loikes of him, and mischief and trouble wherever he sets his fut." Springily did Elmendorf go up the echoing stairway, and then, reaching the second floor, he saw fit to saunter, and that, too, with noiseless footfall. He approached the familiar door-way, and the anteroom the scene of his discomfiture when Donnelly presented Mart's liquor-bill stood invitingly open.

"I came to your riverence for spiritual good," said Annorah, now coming forward and laying a fat chicken and sundry paper parcels beside her week's wages on the little table by her mother's side. "I came for spiritual good, and ye thried to teach me to tattle. It's a mane trade intirely, lettin' alone the maneness of sich as teach it."

I think, too, that he quashed an attempt to call our own Fulbert by his other name. 'I wonder what the nagur did? 'By the light of maturer nature, I imagine that he may have succeeded as heir-at-law, and that his maneness may have consisted in not giving the living to my father; but I cannot tell. It always seemed my father's great desire to put it out of our minds.