United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The project is yet in its infancy, hardly peeping from its shell; and whether it will ever come out a fine full-fledged chicken, or will turn addle and die before it cheeps, is one of those considerations that are but dimly revealed by the oracles of futurity. Now, don't be nonplussed by all this metaphorical mystery.

The impression prevailed that Douglas had cornered Lincoln by his adroit use of the Springfield resolutions of 1854. Within a week, however, an editorial in the Chicago Press and Tribune reversed the popular verdict, by pronouncing the resolutions a forgery. The Republicans were jubilant. "The Little Dodger" had cornered himself. The Democrats were chagrined. Douglas was thoroughly nonplussed.

Why, you know they have written to your home to say you are cured?" Mme. Rambert did not reply for a minute or two. Then she said: "Tell me, Berthe, what do you understand by the word 'cured'?" The attendant was rather nonplussed. "Why, it means that you are better: that you are quite well." Her patient smiled bitterly.

"Well, what?" she asked. The eyes of the danseuse followed those of the little old man; and when she recognized the presence of the clerk she went off into such fits of laughter that not only was the old gentleman nonplussed, but Oscar was compelled to appear; for Florentine took him by the arm, still pealing with laughter at the conscience-stricken faces of the uncle and nephew.

We can understand somewhat the midshipman's state of mind, for the being who stood before him was was well, we are again nonplussed! Suffice it to say that she was a girl of fifteen summers the other forty-five seasons being, of course, understood.

"I am perfectly aware of that," replied Lady Ingleby, calmly; "but I fail to understand, Sir Deryck, why you should consider it necessary to come down here in order to discuss it." This most unexpected reply for a moment completely nonplussed the doctor. But rapid mental adjustment formed an important part of his professional equipment. "I fear we are speaking at cross-purposes," he said, gently.

Porter concluded by stating that McGibony, the detective, seemed completely nonplussed, and had but little to say about the matter. After the receipt of this letter, Maroney appeared to be exceedingly down hearted. White noticed it, and so reported to Bangs. As Mrs.

Show you round a little." Harry was nonplussed for a moment. Such things did not use to occur in this old-fashioned place as running about the streets picking up items from people and asking personal questions for the paper to exploit the replies. He looked twice at Sam Carter before responding. "Thank you, I I've been here before. I know the place pretty well."

Even when I used to seduce a country friend to visit the courts, and get him into an animated conversation in a corner between two pillars, devil a one would believe him to be a client, and I was fairly nonplussed. "'How is a man ever to distinguish himself in such a walk as this? was my eternal question to myself every morning, as I put on my wig.

Ivan looked at the lad, apparently bewildered, for some moments. Then he said with a laugh: "Don't you ever shoot at me with that gun. Not ever!" He rose to his feet and faced Hal threateningly. The lad was nonplussed. He had no idea that his bluff wouldn't work. He knew of course that he could never shoot the Cossack. It was Chester who saved the day. "Ivan," he said quietly.