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Then I made all haste to my own house again and had the relief to see, as Senda came toward me from her husband's room, that he had told her nothing. "Vell?" she eagerly asked. "Well, Monsieur Fontenette is greatly improved!" "O sat iss goodt! And se Madame; she, too, is betteh? a little? eh no-o?"

Not having seen Derek, she did not as yet share her husband's anxiety on that score, though his description was dubious: "Upstanding young cockerel, swinging his sporran and marching to pipes a fine spurn about him! Born to trouble, if I know anything, trying to sweep the sky with his little broom!" "Is he a prig?" "No-o.

"I kind of jedged it might be when you said you wanted to git to the cable station. We heard you was expected." "Did you? From Mr. Langley, I presume." "No-o, not d'rectly. Of course, we knew Parker had been let go, and that somebody would have to take his place.

These hands were withered, but remarkably well-kept. "I suppose one doesn't do something for nothing," he said. "I see what I would gain, and what she would gain, but I confess I don't see what advantage you would get out of it." "No-o, I daresay you don't," assented Thorpe, with sneering serenity. "But what does that matter? You admit that you see what you would gain. That's enough, isn't it?"

"'No-o. "'Oo-Chow? "'No-o. "'Hoi Sing? "'No-o. "'Well, I declare! Who on earth is it then? "'Ah Moy want mallie you! "'What? "Miss Cragiemuir, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, giggled hysterically. A flush of rage darkened the Chinaman's sallow features, and his eyes glittered with anger.

"Don't, DON'T be so slow! Open it!" "No-o," her mother said, with pursed lips. "No, honey. The other comes first, I reckon." It was a letter typewritten upon her cousin's letter-head; but it was not dictated by Mr. Adair MacKenzie. Instead, it was from Mr. MacKenzie's secretary, who stated that her employer had gone to Mexico on business that might detain him for several weeks.

Little Mrs. Peter looked a bit discomfited. "No-o," she admitted slowly, "he doesn't have legs; but I never could understand how he runs without them." "Well, then," snapped Peter, "if he can run without legs, why can't other creatures? Besides, this one didn't run exactly; it rolled. Now I've told you all I'm going to.

Nancy! With a horrible effort to keep impassive, "Yes? Who was it?" "Party didn't leave a name." "Oh. When?" "'Bout 'leven o'clock." "And she didn't leave any message?" Then Oliver turned pink at having betrayed himself so easily. "No-o she didn't." The clerk's eyelid drooped a trifle. Those collegy looking boys were certainly hell with women. "Oh, well " with a vast attempt to seem careless.

"You want me to brag an' strut like Jake Houck?" "No-o, not like that. But Blister's right. You've got to know your worth. When you're sure of it you don't have to tell other people about it. They know." He considered this. "Tha's correct," he said. "Well, then." Bob had an inspiration. It was born out of moonshine, her urging, and the hunger of his heart. His spurs trailed across the grass.

Gridley comes up sometimes, and perhaps I can run in sometimes, and they can play you know, and Tom an't afraid of being locked up, are you, Tom?" "No-o!" said Tom stoutly. "When it comes on dark, the lamps are lighted down in the court, and they show up here quite bright almost quite bright. Don't they, Tom?" "Yes, Charley," said Tom, "almost quite bright."