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Their lack of dress was essentially native to the country, while their mother affected a simple European style of costume. "And," added Joseph, on politeness bent, "it don't surprise me. I'm wonderfully fond of the little nig nippers already. I am straight." The truth was that the position of this grave and still comely woman was ambiguous.

The Colonel went on: "And we can't go to Dawson cleaned out. No tellin' whether there are any proper banks there or whether my Louisville instructions got through. Of course, we've got the dogs yet." "Don't care how soon we sell Red and Spot." After breakfast the Boy tied Nig up securely behind Keith's shack, and followed the Colonel about with a harassed and watchful air.

They all stood talking low till a noise of scuffling broke the silence within. They drew nearer, and heard the Colonel telling Maudie not to turn out Nig and Kaviak. "I like seein' my friends. Where's the Boy?" So they went in. Did he know? He must know, or he would have asked O'Flynn what the devil made him look like that! All he said was: "Hello!

"I think, Mr Roberts, we will call people by their right names," said the resident, quietly; "suppose we say Malays." "Yes, sir, Malays; and laid hold of the girls to drag them away. They screamed out, and that roused us, and we sent the nig Malays staggering back. For you see, sir, as Englishmen " "English what Mr Roberts?" said Captain Horton. "Men, sir.

This is an independent candidacy let's ask them all in, without reference to age, color or 'previous condition of servitude' in the broadest sense." "Yes, and with the other construction, too, perhaps. We'll ask in the darks but they won't come. They'll vote with the jug crowd every time. No nig votes for Dave without the dollar and the small bottle. How many do they poll, anyway, do you suppose?"

They would discuss the prevalent opinion of the public, that people of color are really inferior; incapable of cultiva- tion and refinement. They would glance at the qualities of Nig, which promised so much if rightly directed. "I wish you would take her, James, when you are well, home with YOU," said Aunt Abby, in one of these seasons. "Just what I am longing to do, Aunt Abby.

There was something in the naked truth too ghastly for the day. But the Colonel went on in a harsh whisper: "I looked round for my gun; if I'd found it I'd have left you behind." And the Boy kept looking down at Nig, and the birds sang, and the locust whirred, and the hot sun filled the tent as high-tide flushes a sea-cave.

Mary was installed housekeeper in name merely, for Nig was the only moving power in the house. Although suffering from their joint severity, she felt safer than to be thrown wholly upon an ardent, passionate, unrestrained young lady, whom she always hated and felt it hard to be obliged to obey. The trial she must meet.

From the depths of the store-box whereon his master had sat, Nig darted, howling excitedly and waving a muddy tail like a draggled banner, saying in Mahlemeut: "The ice is going out! The fish are coming in." All the other dogs waked and gave tongue, running in and out among the huddled rows of people gathered on the Ramparts.

Coston that his skin was of so swarthy a hue. To be permitted to address Mr. Coston face to face by his nickname was a sign of the closest friendship, to which only Spider Reilly, Jack Repetto, and one or two more of the gang could aspire. Others spoke of him as Nigger, or, more briefly, Nig strictly behind his back. For Mr.