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"'Cos I was afraid she might think I was arter 'er money," ses Ginger, getting a little bit closer to Sam. Peter 'ad another turn then, and him and Ginger kept on talking about gals whose 'arts they 'ad broke till Sam didn't know what to do with 'imself. "I'll just step round and see my nevy, while you and Peter are amusing each other," he ses at last.

Of course you'll all agree with me, now, to my mind, those Lonnoners are generally such know-nothing sort of chaps, though they think themselves so wise that they never will believe what you tell 'em. They are just like the old lady whose nevy had just come from sea.

"I didn't know you'd got a young lady," he ses. "Well, I 'ave," ses his nevy, "and we're going to be married at Christmas." "But but you ain't fifty-five," ses Ginger. "I'm twenty-one," ses the nevy, "but my case is different. There isn't another young lady like mine in the world. She's different to all the others, and it ain't likely I'm going to let 'er be snapped up by somebody else.

And three months arter they're married he'll wonder wot 'e ever saw in her. If a man marries he wishes he 'adn't, and if he doesn't marry he wishes he 'ad. That's life. Looking at them two young fools reminds me of a nevy of Sam Small's; a man I think I've spoke to you of afore.

Yes'm, Sister Sudley, that's jes what p'inted out my jewty plain afore my eyes, an' I riz up an' kem ter be instant in a-do-in' of it. 'I'll not leave my own nevy in the tents o' sin, I sez. 'I hev chil'in o' my own, hearty feeders an' hard on shoe-leather, ter support, but I'll not grudge my brother's son a home. Yes, Laurely Sudley, I hev kem ter kerry him back with me.

I told the Chicken that if he offered to clean my boots, I'd stretch him a Corpse before me! All these indications of a disordered mind were verified in Mr Toots's appearance, which was wild and savage. 'See here, Brother, said the Captain. 'This here's old Sol Gills's nevy Wal'r. Him as was supposed to have perished at sea. Mr Toots took his hand from his forehead, and stared at Walter.

And looking at you, I don't wonder at it." Ginger 'arf got up, but Sam gave him a look and 'e sat down agin, and then they all sat quiet while the nevy went on telling them about 'is gal. "I should like to see 'er," ses his uncle at last. "Call round for me at seven to-morrow night," ses the young 'un, "and I'll introduce you."

"I'll ask 'im to come round to-morrow and then you can give 'im good advice." The nevy came round next evening. Bright, cheerful young chap 'e was, and he agreed with everything they said.

Then he took Peter by the arm and led'im away while the nevy was opening 'is new watch and showing Sam the works. "'Ow much did she get out of you, Peter?" ses Ginger, looking at 'im very hard. "I don't want any lies." "Three quid," ses Peter, staring at 'im. "Same 'ere," ses Ginger, grinding his teeth. "Did she give you a smack on the side of your face?"

"D d first," said the boy; "open the lid, Dick, let's have a look." "Ah, you're a rum un," said Dick, "arter my own heart. I sometimes thinks as you must be a nevy, or some sort of relation of mine. Howsomdever, here goes.