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"Where'd you go?" ses Ginger, passing it over. "Crystal Pallis," ses Peter. "Are you going to take 'er out to-morrow?" ses Sam. "I don't think so," ses Peter, taking 'is pipe out of 'is mouth and yawning. "She's rather too young for me; I like talking to gals wot's a bit older. I won't stand in Ginger's way." "I found 'er a bit young too," ses Ginger. "P'r'aps we'd better let Sam's nevy 'ave 'er.

"We might look in on our way," ses Sam, arter Ginger and Peter 'ad both made eyes at 'im. "We're going out to spend the evening." "The more the merrier," ses his nevy. "Well, so long; I expect she's waiting for me." He got up and said good-bye, and arter he 'ad gorn, Sam and the other two shook their leads together and said what a pity it was to be twenty- one.

He is old, Captain Cuttle; and besides, his life is a life of custom 'Steady, Wal'r! Of a want of custom? said the Captain, suddenly reappearing. 'Too true, returned Walter, shaking his head: 'but I meant a life of habit, Captain Cuttle that sort of custom. 'Of his Nevy, interposed the Captain. 'Right!

Fifty-five! Why, 'ow I'm to wait till Christmas I don't know. She's the prettiest and handsomest gal in the world; and she's the cleverest one I ever met. You ought to hear 'er laugh. Like music it is. You'd never forget it." "Twenty-one is young," ses Ginger, shaking his 'ead. "'Ave you known 'er long?" "Three months," ses the nevy. "She lives in the same street as I do.