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Five minutes later he affected to jeer at himself. 'Weel, I'm rested noo, he continued, 'an' it's time we was gettin' a move on. Mornin's comin', an' if we're spotted here, we're done for. Can ye creep? Macgregor tried and let out a little yelp. 'Na, ye canna. Ye'll jist ha'e to get on ma back. 'Wullie, gang yersel' 'Obey yer corporal! 'Ye're no a corp

Jinny wa'n't r'ally disappinted, but she allers insisted he was as good as drownded, any way, 'cause he sunk tree times." "Well, I tell you," said Miss Prissy, "there are a great many more things in this world than folks know about." "So dey are," said Candace. "Now, I ha'n't neber opened my mind to nobody; but dar's a dream I's had, tree mornin's runnin', lately.

Well, ivery day the flax an' the vittles, they was browt, an' ivery day that there little black impet used for to come mornin's and evenin's. An' all the day the darter, she set a tryin' fur to think of names to say to it when te come at night. But she niver hot on the right one.

An' what do you think, doc'? He's took to kissin' me nights and mornin's since she's passed away, an' I couldn't tell you how it seems to comfort me. Maybe that sounds strange to you in a grown-up man, but it don't come no ways strange to me not from Sonny. Now he's started it, seems like ez ef I'd 've missed it if he hadn't.

For instance, I don't mind 'Nancy' for a name half as much since she told me I could be glad 'twa'n't 'Hephzibah. An' there's Monday mornin's, too, that I used ter hate so. She's actually made me glad for Monday mornin's." "Glad for Monday mornings!" Nancy laughed. "I know it does sound nutty, ma'am. But let me tell ye.

"I didn't so much mind packin' warm water mornin's for her to wash her face, or buttonin' her waist up the back, or changin' her stirrups every few miles or gittin' off to see if it was a fly on her horse's stummick that made him switch his tail, but I got so weak I couldn't hardly set in the saddle from answerin' questions and tryin' to laugh at her jokes.

And I went right on, not sensin' a thing round me, "There is memories of sabbath drives, in fair June mornin's, through the old lane alder and willow fringed, with the brook runnin' along on one side of it; where the speckled trout broke the Sunday quiet by dancin' up through the brown and gold shadows of the cool water, and the odor of the pine woods jest beyend comin' fresh and sweet to us.

"Memories of the midnight lamp lightin' it up in the chamber of the sick, in the long, lonesome hours before day-dawn. "Memories of its bendin' over the sick ones in happier mornin's, as he carried 'em down-stairs in his arms, and sot 'em in their old places at the table. "Memories of how it looked in the glare of the tempest, and under the rainbow when the storm had passed.

Well, well, I daresay it's comfortable enough; so the sun shines in mornin's, thet's the most I care for. You'll make any kind o' house pooty to look at inside, an' I reckon we needn't roost on the fences outside, a-lookin' at it, any more'n we choose to. It does look, for all the world though, like 'Bijah Jenkins's old yaller barn; 'n' thet there jog's jest the way he jined on his cow-shed.

What do you s'pose your poor old Susan's been doin'? You'd never guess in a million years, so I'm goin' to tell you. For the last three mornin's she's tied up her eyes with a handkerchief an' then DRESSED herself, jest to make sure it COULD be done, you know." "Susan, did you, really?" For the first time a faint trace of interest came into the boy's face. "Sure I did!