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"We are all right now," said the person who had been with the driver on the box; and this time Christy recognized his voice as that of Percy Pierson. He had not mistaken or misjudged him. He had not been able to understand why the young man should befriend him, and it was clear enough now, if it had not been before, that his gratitude towards him was a mere pretence.

"That Mira has not deceived me, in the worst sense of the word, is in no way due to my care of her. I recognize that, and I accept my punishment; for I deserved it. But what now overwhelms me is the knowledge, the frightful knowledge, that in a sense I have misjudged her, that I have remained here inert, making no effort, thinking her absence voluntary, whilst God help her! she has been"...

All the time Forster was absolutely unconscious of having given offence, and when his attention was called to the fact that he had wounded someone by his manner, he was filled with distress. One day an eminent publicist who had cruelly misjudged and misrepresented Forster came to me in the Reform Club and asked if I had ever stayed at Wharfeside. I replied in the affirmative.

There was no confidence we had withheld from one another. When he told me of his relations with Margaret Goodwin he had counted on my sympathy as naturally as he had requested and received my advice. To no living soul, save James, would I have confessed my own tragedy my hopeless love for Eva. It is inconceivable that I should have misjudged a man so utterly as I misjudged James.

"You are incorrigible," she ejaculated as she opened it, making the remark to cover her retreat. Beth sighed heavily, then resolved herself into a Christian martyr, cruelly misjudged an idea which she pursued with much satisfaction to herself for the rest of the day.

That afternoon several of the Band were what Miss Porter was constrained to call "nastily snippy" in their manner to her, and, feeling wronged and misjudged, it was not to be wondered at that her father's daughter should resent it.

He is very cunning, Gevrol; I misjudged him." And without listening to another word, he hurried away, jumping down three steps at a times, at the risk of breaking his neck. M. Daburon, greatly disappointed, also hastened on. In the passage, on a bench of rough wood before his office door, Albert sat awaiting him, under the charge of a Garde de Paris.

You are one of the kindest men in your individual life." "Thanks. I hardly thought you would say so much." "Then you have misjudged me. The only criticism I've ever made of you has been as a part of our social and economic order. This is a question, it seems to me, we might differ about and still be friends.

Thou hast not misjudged me," answered Anthony gravely. "I have been unstable. I know it myself, none better. Alone, I should be unstable still. Indeed I may not trust myself even from day to day. But there is One who changeth not One who is with us, and in us, and for us. He will be our strength and our stay in times of darkness and perplexity, and teach us to guide our steps aright.

Then, at once, the hall had him. Cassy turned to Jones. Her face disclosed as many emotions as an opal has colours. Relief, longing, uncertainty, and distress were there, ringed in beauty. "Miss Austen ought to know how she has misjudged him. Do you suppose she would let me see her?" Bully for you! thought Jones, who said: "I cannot imagine any one refusing you anything."