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You turned me out o' your house for singin', an' I don't see why you should come a singin' an' a misbehavin' of yourself in ourn! Jest you bring her out here, pleeceman, an' let me give her a bit o' my mind. Oh, don't you be afeared, I won't hurt her! Not in all my life did I ever once hurt a woman bless 'em! But it's time the gentry swells knowed as how we're yuman bein's as well as theirselves.

James' severe face and giggled. "I've heard of it," said Molly Connors, "I've a cousin that's workin' in New York; and she's had to leave two good places on account of their misbehavin' theirselves. She's a fine girl, but too good-lookin'." Diantha studied types, questioned them, drew them out, adjusted facts to theories and theories to facts.

I'll admit she don't look it, 'specially under the pink-shaded counter light when she's had a henna treatment lately and been careful to spread the make-up artistic. The jet ear danglers helps some, too. Then there are them misbehavin' eyes. Also when it comes to light and frivolous chat Mirabelle is right there with the zippy patter. Oh my, yes!

James Brown brought his fist down on his knee; for suddenly he identified Bobby as the snappy little ruffian that had chased the cat and bitten his shins, and Auld Jock as the scandalized shepherd who had rebuked the dog so bitterly. He related the incident with gusto. "The auld man cried oot on the misbehavin' tyke to haud 'is gab.

"Ye see, Ma'colm," she said, as if pursuing instead of commencing a conversation, "he's some sore about the little fraicass between him 'an you. Jest make your apoalogies till 'im and tell 'im you had a drop too much, and your soary for misbehavin' yerself to wann sae much your shuperrior. Tell him that, Ma'colm, an' there's a half croon to ye."

Not a word did the little balloon have to say about the other misbehavin' idiots that had been shot, or run themselves to death in his revolution. "The second day out he was feelin' pretty braggy and uppish for a stowed-away conspirator that owed his existence to a mule and stolen bananas.

"You may," says I, "and then again Well, I've seen wiser guys than you rushed off their feet by fluffy young parties whose whole stock in trade was a pair of misbehavin' eyes." "Pooh!" says Peyton. "I've been exposed to that sort of thing as often as anyone. I think I'm immune." "Maybe you are," I has to admit.

Jest make your apoalogies till 'im, an' tell 'im you had a drop too much, and you're soary for misbehavin' yerself to wann sae much your shuperrior. Tell 'im that, Ma'colm, an' there's a half-croon to ye." She wished much to speak English, and I have tried to represent the thing she did speak, which was neither honest Scotch nor anything like English.

She is none other than la Señorita Mario, a niece of the Governor General. She must have had misbehavin' eyes and a kittenish disposition, for she seems to fall for this disguised New Yorker at first sight. Most likely it was on account of his red hair. Anyway, after one or two long distance exchanges she drops out a note arranging a twosome in the palace gardens by moonlight.

Maybe not right away, but as soon as J. Clancy can formulate somethin' in the way of repartee. "The boss of the gang orders us to work. I tramps off with the Dagoes, and I hears the distinguished patriot and kidnapper laughin' hearty as we go. "'Tis a sorrowful fact, for eight weeks I built railroads for that misbehavin' country.