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"Better be careful, Mehitabel. I can advise you, because we're good chums, and I'm a little older than you, though I don't look it! But I'm not sure you ought to take the responsibility of advising your young friends. You might suggest it to them, merely suggest it, you know, and if their agree and their parents agree, why, then, all right. And now home to our own luncheon.

"You see," said Cousin Jack, who was, as usual, Director General of the celebration, "you see, Mehitabel, thirteen is said to be an unlucky number." "And must I be unlucky all the year?" asked Marjorie, in dismay. "On the contrary, my child. We will eradicate the unluck from the number, we will cut the claws of the tiger, and draw the fangs of the serpent.

"There!" she cried. "See what dunces we are to get to discussing theology. I'll never forgive you if you try to inveigle me into another talk about such subjects. Here is Mehitabel to say that she's ready to help you with your packing." THE GREAT ASSAY OF ART Macbeth, iv. 3. "I am sorry if I kept you waiting," Mrs.

I'll send you something in the way of clothing, and we'll let you play invalid in a dressing-gown to-day. If Mehitabel can help you, you've only to ring. I dare say that you can do something with one hand." "One never knows until he tries," Wynne answered. Maurice wished to ask for a barber, but could not pluck up courage.

I will say for them wimmen that anything simple-heartedness could do to prepare a man to meet his end cheerful they done. But Mehitabel the Thirteenth, of the reignin' family of Scraggs, was a genius. Uncle Peter Paisley uset to say that a genius was a person that could take a cork and a dryness of the throat, and with them simple ingrejents construct a case of jim-jams.

Good stiff quill feathers, turkey feathers preferred. Well, never mind those, I'll fish some up from somewhere. Now, blankets for the braves and fringed gowns for the squaws. I'll show you how, Mehitabel, and you and your respected mother can do the sewing act." Well, Cousin Jack planned just about everything, and he and the children turned the house upside down in their quest for materials.

Have we not known them, the deaf, worthy creatures, up before daylight, causing most scrupulous lustrations of every pane of glass and inch of paint in our parlors, in consequence whereof every shutter and blind must be kept closed for days to come, lest the flies should speck the freshly washed windows and wainscoting? Dear shade of Aunt Mehitabel, forgive our boldness!

He engaged three rolling chairs, and as each chair held two people, he said, "How shall we divide up?" "I'll take Mehitabel," said Cousin Jack, "and Hezekiah can go with my wife. Then you two elder Maynards can use the third. How's that?" This arrangement was satisfactory and they started off, a strong man pushing each chair.

I've been cowering down in the corner of the fire for what seemed to me years since Mehitabel came rushing in with the news; and all the time I've heard people driving past the house on their way out of town."

"'Bout enough for a week's mending," interpolated Mehitabel, putting him into the chair with an air of authority, and preparing to retire. "There, now stay there till you want to go upstairs again, and then send for me." "Indeed," he protested, laughing, "I am not helpless. You can't make a baby of me just for a disabled arm."