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Updated: September 14, 2024

'Please give my love to Mas'r George, said Tom, looking round sadly. 'Tell him how sorry I am he is not at home to say good-bye. Master George was Mr. and Mrs. Shelby's son. He was very fond of Tom, and was teaching him to write. He often used to come and have tea in Uncle Tom's little cottage. Aunt Chloe used to make her very nicest cakes when Mas'r George came to tea.

"Jeff!" he cried, summoning Norton's servant from the house. "What's the matter, Mas'r?" asked the negro, as he appeared in the open door. "Why, here's Mr. Norton's horse come home without him. Do you know where he went this afternoon?" "I heard him say he reckoned he'd ride over to Belle Plain, Mas'r," answered Jeff, grinning.

"How came you here?" Alice asked, and Mug replied: "I thinks dis the best place to fire at Mas'r Harney. Mug's gwine to take aim, fire, bang, so," and the queer child illustrated by holding up a revolver which she had used more than once under Alice's supervision, and with which she had armed herself.

"I know it, Mas'r, I know it," said Tom; "but, oh, if Mas'r could only look up, up where our dear Miss Eva is, up to the dear Lord Jesus!" "Ah, Tom! I do look up; but the trouble is, I don't see anything, when I do, I wish I could." Tom sighed heavily. "It seems to be given to children, and poor, honest fellows, like you, to see what we can't," said St. Clare. "How comes it?"

This man proceeded to a very free personal examination of the lot. He seized Tom by the jaw, and pulled open his mouth to inspect his teeth; made him strip up his sleeve, to show his muscle; turned him round, made him jump and spring, to show his paces. "Where was you raised?" he added, briefly, to these investigations. "In Kintuck, Mas'r," said Tom, looking about, as if for deliverance.

Gummidge, 'I shall be allus here, and everythink will look accordin' to your wishes. I'm a poor scholar, but I shall write to you, odd times, when you're away, and send my letters to Mas'r Davy. Maybe you'll write to me too, Dan'l, odd times, and tell me how you fare to feel upon your lone lorn journies. 'You'll be a solitary woman heer, I'm afeerd! said Mr. Peggotty.

"I's older, ye know," said Tom, stroking the boy's fine, curly head with his large, strong hand, but speaking in a voice as tender as a woman's, "and I sees all that's bound up in you. O, Mas'r George, you has everything, l'arnin', privileges, readin', writin', and you'll grow up to be a great, learned, good man and all the people on the place and your mother and father'll be so proud on ye!

"Do you know what you are talking about, Tom?" I said. "Sure I do, Mas'r Harry. Talkin' 'bout going abroad." "But where?" "I d'know, Mas'r Harry; only it's along o' you." "But, my good fellow," I said, "perhaps I'm about to do very wrong in going." "Then, p'r'aps I am, Mas'r Harry," he replied, "and that don't matter." "But it might be the ruin of your prospects, Tom."

'Growed, Mas'r Davy bor'? Ain't he growed! said Ham. 'Ain't he growed! said Mr. Peggotty. They made me laugh again by laughing at each other, and then we all three laughed until I was in danger of crying again. 'Do you know how mama is, Mr. Peggotty? I said. 'And how my dear, dear, old Peggotty is? 'Oncommon, said Mr. Peggotty. 'And little Em'ly, and Mrs. Gummidge? 'On common, said Mr.

One of the slaves went to the cabin door and called loudly, "Mas'r Tom! Come quick, the whole heavens is falling." He continued to call. After much persuasion and repeated calls from the old negro, young Tom said, "I'll go and see what the D old negro wants". Young Tom went to the door and saw the stars raining down. He ran to the big house and jumped on a feather bed, and prayed loudly for help.

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