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I've come to buy you, and take you home," said George, with impetuous vehemence. "O, Mas'r George, ye're too late. The Lord's bought me, and is going to take me home, and I long to go. Heaven is better than Kintuck." "O, don't die! It'll kill me! it'll break my heart to think what you've suffered, and lying in this old shed, here! Poor, poor fellow!"

Our despair was such that we could find no words; but at last Tom said, in a voice that I could hardly hear for the roar of the torrent, which seemed to be here condensed by the narrow passage: "Mas'r Harry, I'll go first; follow close behind, and crawl."

How would ye like to be tied to a tree, and have a slow fire lit up around ye; wouldn't that be pleasant, eh, Tom?" "Mas'r," said Tom, "I know ye can do dreadful things; but," he stretched himself upward and clasped his hands, "but, after ye've killed the body, there an't no more ye can do. And O, there's all ETERNITY to come, after that!"

Tom might well exclaim, for with the house rocking frightfully, now came from outside the peal as of a thousand thunders, accompanied by the clang of bell, the crash of falling walls, the sharp cracking and splitting of woodwork, and the yelling and shrieking of people running to and fro. "So this ere's a native storm, Mas'r Harry?" shouted Tom to me during a pause. "No!"

"It was only yesterday," said George, "as I was busy loading stones into a cart, that young Mas'r Tom stood there, slashing his whip so near the horse that the creature was frightened. I asked him to stop, as pleasant as I could, he just kept right on. I begged him again, and then he turned on me, and began striking me.

When she came into the lamplit hall, Jumbo was grinning and nodding like a maniac, and when she asked what was the matter, he only rolled his eyes, and said, "Missie good! Mas'r like music!" It was the sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, and the preacher, who had caught somewhat of the fire of Wesley and Whitfield, preached a sermon which arrested her attention, and filled her with new thoughts.

Go to the next County; go to Kaintucky, Injianny, Ohio, Illinoy, Kamskatky, New Guiney, Jericho, or Polkinhorn's tanyard if you like." "Afo' God, I don't know what tuh do, or wha tuh go," said the negro despairingly. "If yo' leab me here, I know dat ole mas'r 'll fin' me an' done kill me daid." "Niggers is like mules," remarked Groundhog savagely.

She says she has done everything she can think of." "Lor, yes, Mas'r! old Missis used to say so, too. She whipped me a heap harder, and used to pull my har, and knock my head agin the door; but it didn't do me no good! I spects, if they 's to pull every spire o' har out o' my head, it wouldn't do no good, neither, I 's so wicked! Laws! I 's nothin but a nigger, no ways!"

I looked on anxiously as his head and shoulders disappeared, then his whole body; and I was preparing to follow him when he wriggled himself back, to face me with a sad shake of the head. "No good, Mas'r Harry a baby couldn't go through there."

I mean to screech for Miss Alice," and Muggins was about darting away, when Hugh's long arm caught and held her fast. "Oh, de gracious, Mas'r Hugh," she cried, "you skeers me so. Does you know me, Mas'r Hugh?" and she took a step toward him. "Yes, I know you, and I want to talk a little. Where am I, Mug? What room, I mean?" "Why, Miss Alice's, in course.