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"Well, well, av ye will have them, here they be. "'My own purty darlin' as has bin my most luved sin' the day we wos marrit, you'll be grieved to larn that the pig's gone to its long home," Here O'Connor paused to make some parenthetical remarks, with which, indeed, he interlarded the whole letter.

From the doorway into the lobby of the hotel there came a pretty sound of girlish voices whispering and laughing excitedly, and, glancing that way, the three men beheld a group of peering nymphs who fled, delighted. "Ladies stop to rubber at Mr. Potter," explained the remarkable headwaiter over the star's shoulder. "Mr. Potter, it's time you got marrit, anyhow.

Didn't her brother that was marrit in it, send her her ticket, and wasn't there good money to be airned in it?

'Ye arena marrit a'ready? she inquired, as a sudden suspicion assailed her. 'No fears, retorted Si with conviction. 'Weel, ye are the noo, said Meg to herself, slightly increasing her hold on her man. 'Then wha is 't that fends for ye? she asked further. 'I hae an old wife the shepherd's that bides with me, replied Si.

And I was marrit here, in Lunnun town, at a kirk ye ca' St. Margaret's, by a minister ca'ed Smith. It's a' doon here in the lines. Look for yoursel'. Ye can read. See! Here will be my name, Rose Cameron. And here will be my gudeman's de'il ha'e him! Archibald-Alexander-John Scott, Marquis of Arondelle. Noo! is that a' richt and lawfu'?" demanded Rose, triumphantly.

You git marrit, you don't git stared at so much!" He paused not for a reply, but hastened away to countermand the order of another customer. "Married," said Potter musingly. "Well, there is such a thing as remaining a bachelor too long even for an actor." "Widower, either," assented Mr. Tinker as from a gentle reverie. "A man's never too old to get married."

I h'awful sorry." "But but I'm coming back, Mrs. Papineau," cried Madge. "I I can't live away from from Roaring River now!" "Dey two iss ter be marrit!" roared Stefan. "Hey! What you tank? I tank so all de time, you bet!" At this they all crowded around Madge, and such hand-shakings, and such kisses from the good woman and the children, and such joy depicted on all the faces!

"`My own purty darlin' as has bin my most luved sin' the day we wos marrit, you'll be grieved to larn that the pig's gone to its long home." Here O'Connor paused to make some parenthetical remarks with which, indeed, he interlarded the whole letter.

"No," replied the Pole deprecatingly, shrugging his shoulders and spreading out his hands, "I haf not seen her. If she come here, I shut the door upon her. I say, 'I vil haf no runaway wives here. My fren, before you vos marrit did not I say, a truant daughter make a truant wife. She haf left me first, now she haf left you."

Do we understand you to say that you are the wife of his grace the Duke of Hereward?" "Ay, just!" replied Rose Cameron, pertly. "Gin ye hae ony understanding at a', and gin ye are na the auld daft idiwat ye luke, ye'll understand me to say I am the lawfu' wedded wife o' the Duk' o' Harewood. Him as was marrit o' Tuesday last to the heiress o' Lone!