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He was a restless feller, was Dick, allus askin' questions about breeds an' fencin' an' winter feeds an' marketin'. Said he liked to have somethin' to study about when his hands was workin'. Barbie left one of her books out in the wagon-shed one day an' Dick found it. He curled right up on a cushion an' begun to read.

She come out to make calls this afternoon, 'n' she says she sh'll see to her own marketin' same 's ever, 'n' Roxana c'n weep or not weep to suit herself." "I'm glad you " said Mrs. Lathrop thoughtfully. "I am too," said Susan quickly, "I'm glad 'n' I sh'll always stay glad.

Gibney retorted drily, "we wouldn't need to worry none. Not wishin' to change the conversation, Scraggsy, but referrin' to them eggs you slipped me and Bart for supper, all I gotta say is that the next time you go marketin' in ancient Egypt, me an' Mac's goin' to tell the real story o' the S.S. Maggie to the Inspectors. Now, that goes.

"Oh, she can't; missus won't let one o' my family come but me. She let's me come an' do all her marketin' arter I gets all her work a- goin', so my man an' chillen goes on wid it; she lets me come to de city to work, an' I pays her three dollars every week. Now I'se full o' trouble over my Mary;" and she wept so freely that it was some time before she could give me this little sketch.

"They're talkin' too loud," said the operator. "The only way to beat the dictagraph is to cut the wire or yell." "Are they quarreling, then?" Charity asked, almost with pleasure. "Yes, ma'am. But it's the lady and her maid. They been havin' a terrible scrap about marketin'. He Mr. Cheever ain't there yet. They're expectin' him, though."

On the third day Bates, as though he had just left off, resumed his story: "You know Seely's, the general shop, at Priddlestone", said he; "it was there we always did our Wednesday-night marketin' nobody would believe what high old jinks those Wednesday pay-days was to us Great Eastern blokes!

Why, Lyman Bearse's father, old Lyman, that's so crabbed with rhumatism that it's a cross to live under the same roof with him, will calm down gentle as a dove when Delight goes to read to him. As for Mis' Furber, I reckon she'd never get to the Junction to do a mite of shoppin' or marketin' but for Delight stayin' with the babies whilst she was gone. I couldn't tell you half what that girl does.

But all his work was done with his accustomed dispatch and skill, nevertheless. "What is on my boy's mind?" thought Mrs. Brady. Yes, that is what she thought "my boy." And just then Pat looked into the sitting-room with his basket on his arm. "I'll just be doin' the marketin' now, ma'am," he said. "Very well," smiled Mrs. Brady. "Here's a rose for your buttonhole. You look very trim this morning."

"What with the Ol' Man buyin' the Sunk Hole, an' figgerin' on marketin' in Injun Creek, an' crowdin' work down in the Rattlesnake, Brayley 'll be some busy if he don't take on another big bunch of punchers. Huh?"

This he carried to the colonel, with a lie in his mouth that the recording angel blotted out the moment it fell from his lips. "Here's some change, Marsa George, I forgot to gib ye; been left ober from de marketin'." And the colonel gathered it all in, and went out and spent every penny of it on roses for "dear Nancy!"