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My ruse was successful, and the entire party of man-hunters raced headlong after me up one canyon while Ghak bore Perry to safety up the other.

If the Mounted Police are half as good man-hunters as they are said to be, they ought to round up that bunch in short order. Did the black hurt you when he fell?" "Bruised my leg some," he returned indifferently. Then, scowling at the remembrance: "If he hadn't caught me right under him I'd have got action on those two.

It stood close to the curb and the engine was throbbing, proof in itself that some one had but recently deserted his post as guardian. "The obliging man-hunters," suggested Robin in reply to a low-voiced question. "Or your guardian angel, the great Gourou!" she said, frowning slightly. "By the way, Mr. Schmidt. do you expect to be under surveillance during your stay at Interlaken?"

Ah! you must think of the circumstances in which I was placed you must think, too, of the hours I spent with the snake-charmer of the tales he told me in that dark tree-cave the stories of runaways, of sleuth-dogs, of man-hunters, and "nigger-hunts," practices long thought to be confined to Cuba, but which I found as rife upon the soil of Louisiana, you must think of all these, and then you will understand why I trembled at the distant baying of a hound.

Their horses constantly increased the distance between the Guise man-hunters and me, their desired prey. In a few hours they were out of sight. Thus they would arrive at La Tournoire long before I could. Not finding me there, they would probably put the servants under restraint, and wait in ambush for me.

Macdonald took the trail that led down to the river, to the distant gold-creeks which offered a refuge from man-hunters in many a deserted cabin marooned by the deep snows. Even the iron frame and steel muscles of the Scotch-Canadian protested against the task he had set them that day.

I listened to every sound, while I stood silent myself, and enjoined silence upon my trembling companion. I had but little hope then. There would be more dogs, no doubt slower hounds following in the distance and with them the mounted man-hunters. They could not be far behind they could not fail to come up soon the sooner that the report of my pistol would guide them to the spot.

It was the great explorer who unconsciously blazed the way for the man-hunters. They followed him down the Lualaba River as far as Stanley Falls and discovered what was to them a real human treasure-trove. For twenty years they blighted the country, carrying off tens of thousands of men, women and children and slaughtering thousands in addition.

These cunning man-hunters think of nothing else than this occupation, and all the time not given to cultivating the fields they employ in wars and man-hunts. Licking their lips in anticipation of their desired prey, these men lie in wait for our compatriots, as the latter would for wild boar or deer they sought to trap.

Heatherbloom; whereupon he suddenly realized that he was standing on one of the busiest corners and had been making himself as conspicuous as possible. Hastily he moved on. To what destination? He glanced toward a convenient saloon; it looked hospitable and inviting. Then he remembered they man-hunters, in general always searched the saloons first for criminals.