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Updated: August 4, 2024

And I've a deal to tell you. 'To be sure to be sure. To think thou's been in Lunnon sin' I saw thee! well to be sure! There's a vast o' coming and going i' this world. Thou'll mind yon specksioneer lad, him as was cousin to t' Corneys Charley Kinraid? Mind him! As if he could forget him. 'Well! he's dead and gone. 'Dead! Who told you? I don't understand, said Philip, in strange bewilderment.

I seed the money, and they told me as I wor apprenticed to him, and that I could not run away, for ef I did, the law 'ud bring me back. My new master tuk me to England. He tuk me to Lunnon. It wor bad in Paris, but in Lunnon it wor worse. I wor farther from my mother. I wor out o' my own country, and I did not know a word of English. "Oh!

"You 'm allus setting sober hair on end blessed if you ain't!" was Billy's comment. Will, for his part, made no introductory speeches, but went straight to the point. "Theer's my arm," he said, thrusting it out before him. "'T is mended so neat that Doctor Parsons says no Lunnon bone-setter could have done it better.

"Now, for example, there was a gentleman down here from Lunnon, and he used to go out in my boat off to Spithead, and sometimes across to the Wight. One day I thought I would try one of my yarns on him, so I spun it off the reel. He said, when I had finished, that it was a very good one, though it was very short, and when he stepped out of the boat he tipped me half-a-crown.

We lost the fore topsail, blown clean out o' the ringbolts. I never thought to see Lunnon again." "If she could weather a gale like that she could make another voyage." "She could start on another," the sailor said gloomily, "but as like as not she'd never see the end o't." "Come, come, you're not quite yourself this morning, Miggs.

If he hadn't, if he had come a step nearer to the mare, I'd have shot him down like a dog. That's right, Logan, put her up for the night, old chap, and I'll get out your bedding." "Aye," said Logan, through his clamped teeth, "and God help man or devil that comes a-nigh her this night God help him, Lunnon Mister, that's all Ah say!"

"And I hae nae mysteries to explain, sir," said Jeanie, "but only to pray you, as a preacher of the gospel and a gentleman, to permit me to go safe to the next public-house on the Lunnon road." "I shall take care of your safety," said young Staunton "you need ask that favour from no one." "Do you say so before my face?" said the justly-incensed father.

The curious thing, too, was that the horse didn't bolt right away, as they generally do: he jest walked a-head, knowing his master was bound to follow wherever he led, for in coorse he had hopes to catch him every moment. That ere brute, he never laid down nor rested, jest kep slowly moving on, as if he was a Lunnon street-boy, with a bobby at his heels.

"Forty shillin' you paid for 'un, up to Lunnon," said he, "forty shillin' it were, I think?" "Forty shillings!" said I. "Ecod, it's a sight o' money! But it's a grand weskit ah, that it is!" "So you believe me now, do you?" said I, pocketing the ten shillings.

"Who was Mr Harding?" asked Ruth. "Oh, he was a grand gentleman from Lunnon, as had seen Miss Faith, and been struck by her pretty looks when she was out on a visit, and came here to ask her to marry him. She said, 'No, she would never leave Master Thurstan, as could never marry; but she pined a deal at after he went away.

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