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'You're doing that anyway, you bloomin' renegade dog-stealer, called back the private. 'Wy didn't you pay your landlady in Lunnon for the lodgin's you owed when you run away? 'Schweinhund! said the voice angrily, and a bullet slapped into the parapet in front of the taunting private.

"Reuben," said Jeanie, who saw the necessity of using the interval of his absence in discussing what had brought her there, "I am bound on a lang journey I am gaun to Lunnon to ask Effie's life of the king and of the queen." "Jeanie! you are surely not yourself," answered Butler, in the utmost surprise; "you go to London you address the king and queen!"

Not, however, until Biddy had imparted to me everything she knew, from the little catalogue of prices, to a comic song she had once bought for a half-penny. Although the only coherent part of the latter piece of literature were the opening lines, When I went to Lunnon town sirs, Too rul loo rul Too rul loo rul Wasn't I done very brown sirs? In my hunger for information, I made proposals to Mr.

"I dinna ken muckle about the law," answered Mrs. Howden; "but I ken, when we had a king, and a chancellor, and parliament men o' our ain, we could aye peeble them wi' stanes when they werena gude bairns But naebody's nails can reach the length o' Lunnon."

'It's a wonder t' me as those Lunnon folks can't see things clear, said Daniel, all in good faith.

Sit there and be thankful you ha' got off so cheap. 'T is salt and battery to fit with your betters, and a Lunnon justice o' peace would have given you two months o' the treadmill. "But vy should you fit cos he trespassed on the stocks? It ben't your natural side for fitting, I takes it." Lenny murmured something not very distinguishable about serving the squire, and doing as he was bid.

She says he must have meant a gentleman whom they had met in the Park not long ago, who was very kind to her father, and was Lord something; but she don't remember the name, for she never saw him before or since, and her father talked very little about any one lately, but thought he should find some kind friends at Screwstown, and travelled down there with her from Lunnon.

Eawr Marget declares had hoo clooas to put on, Hoo'd goo up to Lunnon an' talk to th' greet mon An' if things were na awtered when there hoo had been, Hoo's fully resolved t' sew up meawth an' eend; Hoo's neawt to say again t' king, But hoo loikes a fair thing, An' hoo says hoo can tell when hoo's hurt. *Clem; to starve with hunger.

Ye don't mind, do ye, sor, my not tellin' ye before? Lord Bentig'll tell ye all about me next time ye see him in Lunnon." This touch was truly Finian. "He's cousin, ye know, sor, to this young chap what's here at the inn wid his bride. They wouldn't know me, sor, nor don't, but I've driv her father many a time. My rank used to be near his house on Bolton Terrace.

Luke was a timber-dealer, or merchant, a calling that generally leads to substantial profit as wealth is understood in country places. lie bought up likely timber all over the neighbourhood: he had wharves on the canal, and yards by the little railway station miles away. He often went up to "Lunnon," but if it was ninety miles, he was sure to be back in time to whistle.