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I am sending you herewith my first love-song, and even into it has crept a cadence that makes it a love-song of maturity rather than of youth. I do not know that you will care to have it, but it will interest you as the first.... "Ever sincerely yours, "Eugene Field."

He picked a quarrel with the housemen, abused the girls, beat the large dog, and almost frightened the life out of a little hen that had strayed into the field; but to Marit he said nothing. That evening Marit was so happy when she went up-stairs to bed, that she opened the window, lay in the window-frame, looked out and sang. She had found a pretty little love-song, and it was that she sang.

And he, too, sang with all his might some joyful and brave utterances, with the lusty pride of manhood; and in a gentler love-song too, that seemed to linger in a dream of delight by crystal streams, the sweet passion of the heart rose clear and true.

Stoop and lift my bed." "Who gives life can take life." The Ape scratched in the mud with a long forefinger. "And yet, who would profit by the killing? Very many would die." There came up from the water a snatch of a love-song such as the boys sing when they watch their cattle in the noon heats of late spring.

Consequently, for the beauty to shine through, the artist's personality must be finely wrought. A selfish soul might sing a love-song, but a woman would not be taken in by it unless she thought twice: it would not ring true enough.

I thought of the last time I had heard some music. It was in a Flemish cottage, where a young lieutenant, a little drunk, sang a love-song among his comrades, while a little way off men were being maimed and killed by bursting shells. The music stopped with a slur of notes. Somebody asked, "What was that?" There was the echo of a dull explosion and the noise of breaking glass.

As he raised his flute to his lips, his blanket slipped from his well-formed shoulders, and lay partly on the snow beneath. He began his weird, wild love-song, but soon felt that he was cold, and as he reached back for his blanket, some unseen hand laid it gently on his shoulders; it was the hand of his love, his guardian angel.

She was singing a new love-song, singing her way into the life of the man whom she loved, singing her way into love itself. Once more the great house, packed to the ceiling, was worked up to a state of frenzied excitement.

Valerie looked up and smiled miserably. 'Au revoir, she repeated faintly. With that the door closed behind her as Sagan led her away to his wife, and Elmur, affecting not to see the two men who were passing, strolled on singing a love-song under his breath. Unziar paused, then drew Rallywood with him into the centre of the wide lighted passage, where they could speak with more freedom.

A German gave us ``Ach! mein lieber Augustin! the three Frenchmen roared through the Marseilles Hymn; the English and Scotchmen gave us ``Rule Britannia, and ``Wha'll be King but Charlie? the Italians and Spaniards screamed through some national affairs, for which I was none the wiser; and we three Yankees made an attempt at the ``Star-spangled Banner. After these national tributes had been paid, the Austrian gave us a pretty little love-song, and the Frenchmen sang a spirited thing, ``Sentinelle!