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He was sensible." Lila smothered a sigh of long suffering as she reached for the case knife again. "And I am so tired," insisted Ellen with fretful vehemence.

Honestly, I may as well confess among us three, it makes me nervous when I think of the result of such a pass." "Oh, mother," protested Lila reproachfully; "if I listened to you I should never want to marry any man." "I'm sure I don't see why, my dear. I have always urged it as a duty, not advised it as a pleasure.

You needn't worry about Lila, Christopher; she's the kind of woman and they're rare who doesn't have to have her happiness made to order; give her any fair amount of the raw material and she'll soon manage to fit it perfectly to herself. The stuff is in her, I tell you; the atmosphere is about her- -can't you feel it and she's going to be happy, whatever comes.

"On the last day of the year which Chan Hung had appointed as the period of test for his daughter's suitors, the person in question was seated in a chamber of his new abode a residence of unassuming appearance but undoubted comfort surrounded by Lila and Lee, when the hanging curtains were suddenly flung aside, and Pe-tsing, followed by two persons of low rank bearing sacks of money, appeared among them.

The very quality that sent Lila hurrying up-stairs in an agony of mortification because a senior had forgotten to bow to her, was the one that inclined her to enter into Bea's varying moods with exquisite responsiveness. It was delightful to have a friend who was ever ready to answer gayety with gayety and sober thoughts with sympathy.

While the strangeness of this mood was still upon him he chanced upon Lila and Jim Weatherby standing together by the gate in the gray dusk, and when presently the girl came back alone across the yard he laid his hand upon her arm and drew her over to Tucker's bench beside the rose-bush. "Lila, I've changed my mind about it all," he said. "About what, dear?" "About Jim and you.

As Christopher's questioning gaze turned to her, Lila flushed rose-pink and played nervously with the breadcrumbs on the table. "He said he had nothing else to do," she answered, with an effort, "and he knew you were so busy that was all."

Look at little Lila, shut up in silence, unable to speak one word, or to hear a bird sing or a baby laugh, and yet see how merry and good-natured she is. How much more afflicted she is than you are! Suppose she was always fretting and complaining, looking miserable and sour, and out of humor, do you think you would love her half as well as you do now?"

"But Nell is cross, and she wants everything to go her way," protested Lila with a scowl on her face. "I know, Lila, that Nell is impatient sometimes. But she has not been well. She has had to work too hard, and we must be patient with her. Let us make her welcome, and then I believe everything will go right. Cheer up," said Austin happily.

"'The result of such an enterprise might, if the matter chanced to take an unforeseen development, prove of a very doubtful nature, replied Lee Sing, to whom, indeed, the proposed venture appeared in a somewhat undignified light, although, with refined consideration, he withheld such a thought from Lila, who had proposed it for him, and also confessed that her usually immaculate father had taken part in such an exhibition.