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Philip became conscious that the gloom, the silence, and the cold were gradually conquering him. The feverish activity of his brain brought on a reaction. He grew lethargic; he sunk down on the steps, and thought of nothing. His hand fell by chance on one of the pieces of candle; he grasped it and devoured it mechanically. This revived him. "How strange," he thought, "that I am not thirsty.

He handled her, however, with a good-humoured mixture of flattery and persuasion, and at last, stepping back, surveyed the result well content. There was no doubt whatever that she was a very handsome woman, and that her physical type that of the more lethargic and heavily built Neapolitan suggested very happily the mad and melancholy Queen.

Its astonishing success from a German point of view at once encouraged the intrigue. There was not much alarm on the subject of the "sanctions" which France threatened to apply. The Bavarian is too lethargic, slow, and easy-going to be readily frightened in temperament he has little in common with the high-spirited, nervous Prussian.

He wished that all should be gay as for a bridal, for he felt that this was a bridal in all but the name. But the old house, like a being lethargic after long revelry, clad in torn and stained garments, seemed unready for mirth. Andrew was highly antagonistic. The hound had bristled, growling, at the intruder; and Hazel ? He looked at Hazel under half-closed lids. Did she know what had happened?

It was the worst mess I ever made, but I cleaned it up as well as Jessie herself could have done so nurse said." "But the messes down in Whitechapel are much worse than you have described, dear," expostulated the parent, who felt that his powers of resistance were going. "So much the better, papa," replied Di, kissing her sire's lethargic visage.

Philip, much offended that the news of his decease had proved false, ordered rather than requested the Emperor Rudolph to have a care that nothing was done in Germany to interfere with the great design upon England. The King gave warning that he would suffer no disturbance from that quarter, but certainly the lethargic condition of Germany rendered such threats superfluous.

The pressure has been too high all day for the overworked man and his énervée wife to desire any but the lightest tomfoolery in an entertainment. People engaged in the lethargic process of digestion are not good critics of either elevated poetry or delicate interpretation, and in consequence crave amusement rather than a mental stimulant.

For the Flemish peasant is a strangely inert creature, his work once done as languid and lethargic as the canal that passes by his door.

Small wonder, then, that he laid his leonine head upon his desk and wept, silently, as the aged and helpless weep. For a long time he sat there lethargic with misery. Eventually he roused himself, reached for the desk telephone, and pressed a button on the office exchange-station. His manager, one Thomas Sinclair, answered. "Thomas," he said calmly, "you know, of course, that Bryce is coming home.

Air travel is so comfortably regulated at the present day that Robin Greve, looking back at his trip by air from Croydon Aerodrome to the big landing-ground outside Rotterdam, acknowledged that he had more excitement in his efforts to stir into action a lethargic Dutch passport official in London, so as to enable him to catch the air mail, than in the smooth and uneventful voyage across the Channel.