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"Lor' love you, I've had them kind o' fancies myself, especially after a hot night on shore. If you'd only take a pull at this, you'd be all right directly. It don't do to come aboard too sober, 'specially when you're leavin' old England for the first time. Do you see 'em now?" Ida had moved away, and Stafford drew a long breath and forced a smile. "No," he said, huskily, and almost to himself.

"I suppose you refer to me an' Lizzie Packer; but she wouldn't think no more o' me for leavin' my name off a proper neighborhood paper, nor her father, neither. You git them two pines let alone, and I'll take care o' Lizzie. I've got all the other boats and men to think of besides me, an' I've got some pride anyway.

"Keep cool, Dick, or you'll be leavin' Barney too far behind. You tie quicker than him, I hear." "Oh, I don't know," said Dick modestly, though quite convinced in his own mind that he could. "Dick's a little quicker, ain't he?" said Alec, turning to Barney. "Oh, he's quick enough."

Seems like I don't git anywhere, Git along, cayuse, git along; But we're leavin' here and we're goin' there, Git along, cayuse, git along "Just drop a line when you get there," said Long Lon as he reined round and set off toward the far western sky-line. That was his casual farewell. Cheyenne now turned directly toward the south and a range of hills that marked the boundary of the mesa level.

Gordon said she was leavin' Glesca? 'I've forgotten. Yes, I believe it was the twenty-third, answered Teen listlessly, not being interested in the time. 'My, she'll see a lot, gaun to Ireland wi' a regiment. It's a lively life. I wish I was her. Teen turned sharply round, and looked with reproachful eyes into her companion's face. 'I thocht ye was gled to get away from her, Liz?

Nobody had ever "carried on" over her when she had had her nine. "Have you said anything sharp to her to-day, mother?" he inquired suspiciously, after a minute. "You know I ain't, Abel. She left a dirty glass in the dairy an' I never so much as mentioned it. Did Mr. Mullen complain of her leavin' off mission work?" "Why, of course not.

Don't carry the idee to the world that you have lost me, for I am nearer to you than I ever could have been on earth, for the clay has only fell off from my soul, leavin' the barrier but thin indeed between us now. "'Don't act as if you wuz mournin' for me, dear heart. Let the world see your thought, see the truth we both know, by its reflection in your face.

We've grown and we're doin' good doin' it, not talkin' it in prayer meetin'. The parish committee likes you and the poor folks in the society love you. Old Mrs. Prince was tellin' me, only a little spell ago, that she didn't know how she'd have pulled through this dreadful time if 'twa'n't for you. And there's lots of others. Are you goin' to leave them? And what reason will you give for leavin'?"

Magsman" which he never could imagine nothin, and was monotonous company. The noise not leavin off, I laid down my pipe, and I took up a candle, and I went down and opened the door. I looked out into the street; but nothin could I see, and nothin was I aware of, until I turned round quick, because some creetur run between my legs into the passage. There was Mr. Chops!

He could scarcely walk at first, and it was only by leanin' heavily upon my shoulder that he managed to get along. I got him through the gate, leavin' it unlocked behind me, and trustin' to the chance of that not bein' noticed by the under-gardener, who had the care of the key, and was a careless chap enough.