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He rose and went to the bedside, asking, "What's wrong with Elsie, Art?" "I say, Tom Jackson, she'll never take you. Horace won't consent." "I should think not, indeed!" muttered Walter. Then leaning over his brother, "Art, I say, Art! what is it all about? Has Tom Jackson gone to Lansdale?" No answer, save an inarticulate murmur that might be either assent or dissent.

With the approval of their uncle and other relatives, these kind offers were promptly accepted. Letters came about the same time from Lansdale, Ohio, inviting the Dinsmores, Travillas, and Raymonds to attend the celebration of Miss Stanhope's one hundredth birthday, which was now near at hand. Mr.

You are sufficiently warned." While I spoke she had ceased rowing, and we drifted with the current. A long time we drifted, and I rejoiced to see that I had taunted Miss Lansdale into something like interest. I saw that she was uncertain as to the degree of seriousness I had meant my words to convey.

His informing and well-feathered tail signalled to Miss Lansdale that she seemed to have forgotten herself. At that moment, I think, the woman abandoned all her preposterous hopes; then, too, I think, she learned the last and bitterest lesson which great fighters must learn, to embellish defeat with an air of urbane acceptance.

She has been looking forward with great delight to this visit, as have my sister Nettie and I also," Lottie answered, with a backward glance of admiring curiosity at Elsie. "I hope you will be pleased with Lansdale, Miss Dinsmore; sufficiently so to decide to stay all summer." "Thank you; I think it is looking lovely this morning. Does my aunt live far from the depot?"

But also I felt curiously stricken by that swift withdrawal of her confidence, for Mrs. Caroline Lansdale had won me by her laugh and blush of ancient girlishness. Further, I would not now be hurt by any woman, though she were ten times my years, without a show of defence. I arose as Clem hastily fled from the room. "Miss Caroline " I waited for the fine little brows to go up at that.

Poor Fatty or Horsehead or whatever they call him stands off and glares at her, and can't say his lesson when he catches her eye only he seldom does catch it, because she's so busy with other boys of more spirit who crowd about her and snatch hair ribbons and sing 'My lady sleeps' until no one else can." "Do you know Fatty Budlow?" asked my surprised woman child of Miss Lansdale.

Noting the lack of compunction with which she played upon him before my very eyes, I divined that the late Colonel Lansdale had not found the need of pistols entirely done away with even by the sacrament of marriage. Not until Clem announced "Mr. Cohen" did the self-confessed collector cease to be a man. "Not at home," said Miss Caroline, crisply.

"The mine wasn't worked on Sunday, in those days, and Captain Costin asked Ellen to meet him on a Sunday night at nine o'clock. Well, the Lansdale boys somehow found out where their sister was going, and they went, too. And they shot down Captain Costin in cold blood, right at the mine entrance. Just when he was holding out his arms to greet his sweetheart!"

Waters, I welcome you to Lansdale. Do you expect to make some stay in our town?" "Well, madam, I hardly had such expectation before arriving here, but I find it so pretty a place that I begin to think I can scarcely do better. My health has been somewhat impaired by very strict and close attention to business; and my physician has ordered entire relaxation for a time, and fresh country air.