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"Air you gone, William?" I axed. "Rayther," he replide, and I knowd it was no use to pursoo the subjeck furder. I then called fur my farther. "How's things, daddy?" "Middlin, my son, middlin." "Ain't you proud of your orfurn boy?" "Scacely." "Why not, my parient?" "Becawz you hav gone to writin for the noospapers, my son. Bimeby you'll lose all your character for trooth and verrasserty.

The old rascal assumed an air of great astonishment. "Whut, er man bodder er lady dat he lubs?" "Didn't I tole you you couldn't lub me?" "Couldn't lub you? Ain't you been er savin' yo' money all deze years, an' ef er man kain't lub er lady dat's been er savin' her money, who kin he lub?" She gave him a look of contempt. "Oh, I knowd dar wuz er bug in de milk pan.

When the PEPLE cheer me I feel pleesed, fur I know they meen it; but if these one-horse offishuls cood know how I see threw all their moves & understan exackly what they air after, & knowd how I larft at 'em in private, thayd stop kissin my hands & fawnin over me as thay now do. But you know, Mr.

Then he sings out, 'My G , it's too horrible! an' I 'ear 'er a larfin' like to bust, an' then 'e comes to me, and ses, quite wild like, 'Take me out of this 'ell! an' I tooked 'im." "And when you came back?" "She was dead." "Dead?" "As a blessed door-nail," said Sal, cheerfully. "An' I never knowd I was in the room with a corpse," wailed Mother Guttersnipe, waking up.

The right word again; and that's what makes me say to my wife, 'Nancy, whenever you want the right word go to John Cranceford; and, as I said a while ago, your father either, for I knowd him as well as any man, and was present at the time he bought a flat-boat nigger named Pratt Boyce." "My father was once forced to sell, but he never bought a negro," the Major replied. "That so?

"The current was a-settin' south. Sech a tide hadn't been knowd sence the oldest men could remember: the sea broke over all the mashes clear up to the farm-houses. Well, sir, I was but a lad, but I couldn't sleep: seemed as ef I ought to be a doin' something, I didn't rightly know what.

"Well, theer's nowt much to say, lad, only that soon as squire knowd who it weer he " "But how did he know who it was?" cried Dick. "Some un towd him." "Yes, but who told?" "Him as fired his goon at him when he see'd him by the light o' the fire poling along in his poont." "And who was that?" "Nay, lad, I'm not going to tell thee.

He didn't know nothing about you, nor Angel's, nor the quicksilver lode, nor even his own name. He said his name was Skaggs, but I knowd it was Johnson.

Th' doctor's little lass lies there. Yo never knowd her, Mr. Penrose. Hoo were some pratty, bless her! Did yo' ever read what her faither put o'er th' top o' th' stone? Mr. Penrose confessed he was in ignorance of the epitaph over the grave of the doctor's child. As yet the history and romance of the graveyard were unknown to him.

"I reckon, Philip, Miss Sherman will be here in a few days, and I wouldn't get ketched in this plight for nothing. "You ain't a mite like mammy was," said Daddy, holding affectionately on to Recta's dress. "Laws, she would jerk herself away from me, and afore I knowd it be a flying around the house like a whirl-wind, orderin me round 'till I didn' know what fur tu du fust."