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Kennon's head jerked upward at the sound of air whistling past the airboat's hull, and a wave of icy coldness swept through his chest. There was no question that he was discovered. His shoulders sagged. "Well it was a good try," he said bitterly as Copper looked at him with sudden terror on her face. "I don't want to die," she wailed. "You won't not if I can help it," Kennon said.

He worries me now that I can't read him. I think I'll send Douglas back here to watch him." "Why? In my book that'd be a poor choice. After all, you said Kennon saved his life. He should be grateful." "You don't know Douglas," Alexander said. "He hates Kennon's guts for what he did." "What did he do?" "He made Douglas feel inferior. And there's no surer way to gain my cousin's undying enmity."

"But that's impossible." She shook her head. "It's a miracle perhaps, but it's not impossible. It's happened. Can't you see the difference?" "See what? You look just as you always do." "I suppose you can't see it yet," she admitted. "But I am with child. I'm two weeks past my time." Kennon's mind leaped to the obvious conclusion. Pseudo-pregnancy. He had seen it before among Lani at Hillside Farm.

"It will only be a moment, Doctor," she said impersonally. "Would you care to sit down? "Thank you," he said. The minute, reflected, could easily be an hour. But she was right. It was only a minute until the message tube clicked and popped a capsule onto the girl's desk. She opened it, and removed Kennon's I.D. and a small yellow plastic rectangle.

Stupid of me but the case is so interesting. Half the center staff have seen her already. I wasn't proposing to discuss the case. It wouldn't be proper. Even though you are only a veterinarian." "Only?" Kennon's voice was hard. "I shouldn't have to remind you of this, Mr. Smalley but I have been for the past two years on a world of bad manners. I expected better here at home."

I'll even agree to emergency recall, but that's the limit." Kennon's voice was flat. "You realize I'm agreeing to give you a great deal of personal liberty," Alexander said. "How can I protect myself?" "I'll sign a contingency rider," Kennon said, "if you will specify precisely what security matters I am not to reveal." "I accept," Alexander said. "Consider yourself hired."

Leger should have consented to this, proves that a change has come over him since a score of years. Kitty Brett is Althea's faithful attendant. She chose to leave all her friends, rather than be separated from the woman whose life she had helped to save. Amy and Chloe, old cronies, as they term themselves, look bright and young again, along with Kennon's rejuvenation.

"Regulations require that each post-mortem be reported promptly and that a record of the Lani concerned be posted in the death book together with all pertinent autopsy data. Man Blalok is very fussy about proper records." She drew one of the chairs to a spot beside the desk and sat down, crossed her long legs, and waited expectantly. Kennon's mouth was suddenly dry. This situation was impossible.

"That's his opinion. And as long as he stays out of my way he's welcome to it." Blalok looked at Kennon's haggard face with mild concern, "Doc," he said, "you'd better take it easy. You're going to pieces." "I'll be through here in another week, I'll have this all wrapped up." "Providing you're not wrapped up first." "Eh?" "In a shroud. You look like a walking corpse." Kennon chuckled wearily.

He led the way down a green-tiled corridor to an elevator then down another corridor past a pair of soft-footed nurses who eyed them curiously looking at Kennon's tunic and sandals with mild disapproval in their eyes. Smalley stopped and knocked softly on a closed door. "Enter," said a pleasant baritone voice from the annunciator. "Dr. Brainard Dr. Kennon," Smalley said.