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Only think! I sold every single thing, and I have orders and orders ahead." "Well, by sugar!" ejaculated the man at the head of the table. "Oh-h-h!" breathed the little woman opposite. "Oh, Alma, I'm so glad!" In spite of Mrs. Kelsey's protests that night after supper, Alma tripped about the kitchen and pantry wiping the dishes and putting them away.

Bobbie was about to answer, when a sudden look of dismay on Lady Kelsey's face stopped him. He turned round and saw MacKenzie standing at the door. He came forward with a smile, holding out his hand, and addressed himself to Lady Kelsey. 'I thought I should find you here, he said. He was perfectly collected. He glanced around the room with a smile of quiet amusement.

A fellow traveller had with him a number of papers, and offered one of them to Alec. He took it out of mere politeness. His thoughts were otherwise occupied, and he scanned it carelessly. Suddenly he saw the heading which had attracted Lady Kelsey's attention. He read the letter, and he read the leading article. No one who watched him could have guessed that what he read concerned him so nearly.

Jim says there don't nothin' they say suit Katy 'bout its wordin', I mean. She changes it an' tells 'em what they'd orter said." "Why, the saucy little baggage!" the rocker resumed its swaying, and Mary Kelsey's foot came down on the porch floor with decided, rhythmic pats. The man stirred restlessly. "But she ain't sassy, Mary," he demurred.

The partner who had been taken into the house on Sir Alfred Kelsey's death now managed the more important part of the business in Manchester, while Robert, brought up by his father to be a man of affairs, had taken charge of the London branch. Commerce was in his blood, and he settled down to work with praiseworthy energy.

A few hours later Lady Kelsey's dance was in full swing, and to all appearances it was a great success. Many people were there, and everyone seemed to enjoy himself. On the surface, at all events, there was nothing to show that anything had occurred to disturb the evening's pleasure, and for most of the party the letter in the Daily Mail was no more than a welcome topic of conversation.

Kelsey's mental comment, as she bade the invalid good-by; but in this she was mistaken, for with the falling of the leaf Matty began to improve, and though she never fully regained her health, she was able again to be about the house, doing far more than she ought to have done, but never uttering a word of complaint, however heavy was the burden imposed upon her.

'My headache has passed off. 'I'm very glad. What do you use phenacetin? 'It went away of its own accord after dinner, returned Bobbie frigidly, conscious that he was being laughed at, but unable to extricate himself. 'So you resolved to give the girls a treat by coming to Lady Kelsey's dance? How nice of you not to disappoint them!

'It's very kind of you to say so. I've been at the Travellers, reading various appreciations of my character. A hurried look of alarm crossed Lady Kelsey's good-tempered face. 'Oh, I heard there was something about you in the papers, she answered. 'There's a good deal. I really had no idea the world was so interested in me.

The chair had evidently excited her imagination, reminding her, perhaps, of some of the pictures in Tim Kelsey's fairy books, for after looking at it for a moment she began clapping her hands and whirling about the room. "I've thought of such a lovely thing, Uncle Felix! Let's play kings and queens!