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"An' how long do they kape this up?" "Tin hours a day, and not a minute longer," answered Mike; "that is, barrin' fifteen minutes at tin in the mornin' and three in the afternoon, whin they knock off for a bite and a drink up at me place on the corner. They go up and ate up me free lunch and soak in about a pint of whisky at one drink." "The divil! and don't it kill thim?" "Naw.

Ortheris misunderstood the movement, and the next instant the Irishman's rifle was dashed aside, while Ortheris stood before him, his eyes blazing with reproof. "You!" said Ortheris. "My Gawd, you! If it was you, wot would we do?" "Kape quiet, little man," said Mulvaney, putting him aside, but very gently; "'tis not me, nor will ut be me whoile Dina Shadd's here. I was but showin' something."

You're to pretend to go." "But that won't take money." "Give it to Florence, then. It's hers by rights. Won't we give Curtis a surprise? Where's his wife?" "I have found a comfortable boarding house for her. When had we better carry out this programme? She's very anxious to see her husband." "The more fool she. Kape her at home and out of his sight, or there's no knowin' what he'll do.

"That you did, indeed," replied the grateful boy. "I would have gone to jail but for you." "Ye same to be a wide-awake boy, and ye kape yer sinses about ye at all times. Ye are looking for a place to stay?" "Yes." "There isn't much of the night left, but I'll find ye what ye want."

"Well, Miss Ward, what can I supply you with to-day?" said he blandly. "Please, Mr Boone, I want a slate and a piece of slate-pencil." Emma looked up with a sweet smile at the tall shopman, who looked down upon her with grave benignity, as he produced the articles required. "D'you kape turpentine?" said Matty, as they were about to quit the shop.

"I won't indade I won't. I am sure it was very nice of ye to want to marry me " "I beg you " he interrupted, stopping her with a gesture. "Are you goin' back to London to-day?" "By the afternoon express." "May I go with you?" "Certainly." "Thank ye," cried Peg. "I won't kape ye long. I've not much to take with me. Just what I brought here that's all." She hurried across the room to the staircase.

"She said, 'It's twinty white skirruts Oi have to do up now, me dear, and I said, 'But I can't go without a skirt, Mrs. Mulvaney, and everybody who doesn't wear white to chapel will be expelled, and then where will your goose that lays the golden eggs be? 'Shure, I kape no geese, me dear, said she, and oh, here's Betty." "Finish up," demanded Katherine.

It's a jool ye'll have in him. Shure I rared him meself, and he says his prayers every morning. Kape sthill, honey! Faith, ye're not afraid of yer poor old mammy pullin' yer beautiful cur-r-rls?" Uncle Jay-Jay was laughing like fun; even aunt Helen deigned to smile; and Everard was looking on with critical interest. "Go on," said uncle.

I pointed to the script lettering, spelling out slowly "Jean Le Claire." "Well, give it to me. I got it away from the 'good Injun' first." O'mie deftly wrenched it out of my hand. "Let me kape it, Phil. I've a sort of fore-warnin' I may nade it soon." "Keep it if you want to, you grasping son of Erin," I replied carelessly.

The divil a hap'orth are we carrying, save a piece of tarpaulin lashed in the weather rigging to kape her hid to the say, and that's all we can do till daylight comes, if we iver say it, please God, for it's as dark now as a blue dog in a black entry, and you couldn't say your hand before your face to set any sail, if ever a man could git up the rigging but whist now about that!