United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I jumped in ahead of him, so as to show Virginia that her fellow was not the only patriot, and beat him to it. "So you are going to fight Kaintucky?" said she to me as if I had engaged to ruin everything she held dear. "We must save the Union," I said. "I didn't think of you being on the other side!" "Mr. Lockwood," said she, "this is Teunis Vandemark, an old friend of mine.

"Now, gentlemen, and ladies," said the seller, "this here is a genuine English Rothfield piano once belonging to Colonel Carvel, and the celebrated Judge Colfax of Kaintucky." He lingered fondly over the names, that the impression might have time to sink deep. What am I bid?" He struck a base note of the keys, then a treble, and they vibrated in the heated air of the big hall.

"It's full o' arrows, or pretty near it, I reckin." "It is. Well?" "Wal, then, let some o' us ride the Injun's mustang: any other critter thet's got the same track 'll do; away down the 'Pash trail, an' stick them things pointin' south'art; an' if the Navagh don't travel that a way till they comes up with the 'Pashes, 'ee may have this child's har for a plug o' the wust Kaintucky terbaccer."

"The nigger is sore in a minute. "'You is suttanly hahd to please, white man, he says. 'Ain' no finah colts in Kaintucky dan dem. "'That may be so, but how about Tennessee? I says, just to get him goin'. "'Tennessee! Tennessee! he says. 'What you talkin' 'bout? Why, we does de fahm wuck wid likelier colts dan dey sends to de races. "'I've seed some nifty babies down there, I says.

"Now, gentlemen, and ladies," said the seller, "this here is a genuine English Rothfield piano once belonging to Colonel Carvel, and the celebrated Judge Colfax of Kaintucky." He lingered fondly over the names, that the impression might have time to sink deep. What am I bid?" He struck a base note of the keys, then a treble, and they vibrated in the heated air of the big hall.

Which if you enjoys said privilege, you can gamble Dan an' Texas wouldn't be camped 'round yere none tonight, exposin' their ignorance an' lettin' fly croode views concernin' astronomy. That telescope actooally brings the moon plumb into Kaintucky; brings her within the reach of all. You could stretch to her with your hand, she's that clost.

She threw out her arms with a passionate gesture. "You'd be free with me," he cried. But, if she heard him, she gave no indication of having done so. "Can you ride?" she asked presently. "You bet," said Hanson eagerly. "I was born in Kaintucky. Just tell me where I can get a horse here, and " "I'll lend you one of mine, and we'll have some rides. I'll take you out on the desert.

Witherspoon overshoots, while my grandfather plants his lead in among Witherspoon's idees, an' that racontoor quits Kaintucky for the other world without a murmur.

Prentiss, the man I made editor of the 'Herald, knows him well; ken tell us why he left Kaintucky to come West. But I want to know somethin' about the Professor, jest to teach him to mind his own business, and leave other folk to attend to theirs. Ken you help me? Is he popular with the students and professors?" She thought intently, while the colour rose in her cheeks; she was eager to help.

"My motto," rejoined Rogers, "is, 'Our State fust, then the nation. The Federal Government didn't do no gre't shakes towa'ds he'pin' Kaintucky when redskins an' British skunks wuz 'bout to drive us offen the face o' the livin' airth."