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That was among the elder portion of the company. The four or five children were not disposed to such absolute harmony. Grapes and ices and numberless other good things were well enjoyed, no doubt; but amidst them all a spirit of criticism was rife. "Daisy, your wings didn't look a bit like real wings " said Jane Linwood. "No," echoed Nora, "I guess they didn't.

Uncle Wiggily Longears, the nice rabbit gentleman, was out walking in the woods one day when he felt rather tired. He had been looking all around for an adventure, which was something he liked to have happen to him, but he had seen nothing like one so far. "And I don't want to go back to my hollow stump bungalow without having had an adventure to tell Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy about," said Mr.

Julia, catching at every straw of consolation, said she would keep one too, and asked a sight of Jane's for a model. "No, dear friend," said Jane: "a diary should be one's self on paper."

They alighted, and Myra trailed into the hall with a lazy grace which gave no indication of the masterly way she had handled her ponies, but rather suggested stepping from a comfortable seat in a barouche. Jane looked with interest at the man-servant who came forward and deftly assisted them.

It was quite an hour after. Mary Jane, loyal to the core, had kept her ailing mistress in perfect ignorance of the terrible calamity, and the little boys still crowded round the kitchen fire waiting. Suddenly every head was raised. "That's Peter's trot; don't you hear? Father's coming home!" Each of the boys stood up. Who was to go out to meet the gig and tell the dreadful news to Doctor John?

Then come those of her maid, Jane Metson. "I see," murmured Carroll. "Then you came downstairs and found Mrs. Darcy lying here dead?" "I wasn't sure she was dead " "Oh, she was dead all right," broke in Thong. "No question about that. Did you hear anything?" "Only the watch ticking in her hand. First I thought it was her heart beating."

"I love you," said Unity. "Kiss me. Now, when do you go to Richmond?" "Next month. Oh, Unity, if Uncle Dick and Uncle Edward would but make friends before we go!" Unity, stopping for an hour at Cousin Jane Selden's, remarked to that lady, "Ah, she is happy! She does not know and she does not care what is said of Lewis Rand. They say dreadful things. The last Gazette "

"Father gave it to me when it was only a day old," she said, "and when it's big enough, I'm going to sell it and get money to take music lessons. Won't that be fun?" Mary Jane thought it would; she looked admiringly at Frances and thought she was quite the most wonderful little girl she had ever met.

"Also to my brother, John Merrick, the sum of five thousand dollars," she resumed. "To your brother?" "Yes. That should be enough to take care of him as long as he lives. He seems quite simple in his tastes, and he is an old man." The lawyer wrote it down. "All my other remaining property, both real and personal, I shall leave to my niece, Patricia Doyle." "Jane!" "Did you hear me?" "Yes."

Wrottesley smiled with the rather provoking indulgence with which our friends regard the follies of our relations. 'She is so young, said Mrs. Wrottesley, 'and she is very beautiful. 'No, said Miss Abingdon, with inward pride at her own unwavering impartiality, 'I honestly believe that if we were to consider Jane without prejudice we should find that she is simply healthy.