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"I wish you could attach him to you, Mr. Traill." "Ay, it's a disappointment to me that he'll no' bide with me. Perhaps, in time " "It's nae use, ava," Mr. Brown interrupted, and he related the incident of the evening before. "He's cheerfu' eneugh maist o' the time, an' likes to be wi' the laddies as weel as ony dog, but he isna forgettin' Auld Jock.

Notwithstanding this satisfactory guarantee, Captain Dalgetty would still have hesitated, such was his anxiety to witness the fate of his companion Gustavus, had not two Highlanders seized him by the arms, two more pushed him on behind, while a fifth exclaimed, "Hout awa wi' the daft Sassenach! does she no hear the Laird bidding her up to her ain castle, wi' her special voice, and isna that very mickle honour for the like o' her?"

But I am judging that he isna minded to be left alone and keep Edinburgh Castle for King James if all Scotland is for King William." And Balcarres, plucking up courage in the face of his fierce companion, added: "I will not say, Dundee, that the duke is wrong. What use would it be if he did? But mind you," went on Balcarres hastily, "he hasna promised to surrender his trust.

"Hae ye gotten an argument up wi' him, Tallisker? I would like weel to hear ye twa at it." "Na, na; he isna one o' them that argues. He maks downright assertions; every one o' them hits a body's conscience like a sledge-hammer. He said that to me as we walked the moor last night that didna let me sleep a wink." "He is a vera disagreeable young man. What could he say to you?

Mr Goldie!" said he, "is this no dismal?" "I always consider it," answered I, "one of the dreariest spots on the Lammermoors." "O sir!" said he, "it isna the dreariness o' the road that I am referring to. I would rather be sent across the hills from Cowdingham to Lander, blindfold, than I would be sent upon an errand like this.

No, my dearie! What could we two do for ourselves? And I'm loth to part you and Gavin. I simply cannot take the sacrifice, you so lovingly offer me. I will write to my brother David. Gavin isna far wrong there; David is a very close man, but he willna see his sister suffer, there is no fear of that." "It is Jean that will not see you suffer." "But the bite and the sup, Jean?

I didna say a word tae anybody aboot what I'd seen, but I made up my mind that I wudna stay muckle langer at Cloomber Ha'. Four pund a month is a good wage, but it isna enough tae pay a man for the loss o' his peace o' mind, and maybe the loss o' his soul as weel, for when the deil is aboot ye canna tell what sort o' a trap he may lay for ye, and though they say that Providence is stronger than him, it's maybe as weel no' to risk it.

There is nae danger yet wi' a man that knaws how to manage a boat. If ye gang pullin through thick and thin, through main strength and for bare life, as many of the folk upon our coast dee, then there is danger but there is nae use for the like o' that. It isna enough to manage an oar; you must knaw how to humour the sea, and to manage a wave.

There isna a hussy now on this side of thirty that you can bring within your doors, but there will be chields writer-lads, prentice-lads, and what not coming traiking after them for their destruction, and discrediting ane's honest house into the bargain I hae nae patience wi' them." "Hout, neighbour," said Mrs.

When you hae served your twa years I'se buy you a £20,000 share in the Gordon Bank, and a man wi' £20,000 can pick and choose the wife he likes best. But I'm aboon bribing you a fair offer isna a bribe." The concession as to Mary Moir was the one which Davie had resolved to make his turning point, and now both father and mother had virtually granted it.