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I guess it's 'bout time to take keer o' this 'ere jerk an' start up a fire. I won't give them loafers nothin' but hell, if they come 'round here not a crumb." Solomon went to work with his ax in the moonlight, while Jack kindled up the fire. "We don't need to tear off our buttons hurryin'," said the former, as he flung down a dead spruce by the fireside and began chopping it into sticks.

He had supposed the whole affair to be, so far, a secret between himself and his grandfather. "You know?" he stammered. "You How did you know?" "Laban told me. Labe came hurryin' over here just after supper and told me the whole thing. He's awful upset about it, Laban is. He thinks almost as much of you as he does of Cap'n Lote or or me," with an apologetic little smile.

There's no way better calculated to get a crowd aboot than to be hurryin' through the streets o' London in a motor car and ha' a breakdoon! I've been lucky as to that; I've ne'er been held up more than ten minutes by such trouble, but it always makes me nervous when onything o' the sort happens.

He said it wuz all for himself that he wuz hurryin' so. I d'no that, but I do know that in his haste to help me git out he stepped on my foot, and almost made a wreck of that valuable member. I looked bad, and groaned, and sithed considerable 'fore he got to the sheltered bench he'd sot out for. He acted sorry, and I didn't reproach him any. I only sez, "Oh, I don't lay it up aginst you, Josiah.

Immegetly he smiled warmly, and wuz very affectionate in his demeener to me for as much as two hours and a half. Sech is the might of human love. His hurryin' me over them swelterin' and blisterin' streets, and showin' me all the beauty and glory of the world, and his conversation had no effect, skercely on my mind.

"At first he when he talked seemed to be walkin' through the woods; an' he'd tell all about what he saw; the 'purple sunsets, an' 'dancin' leaves, an' the merry little brooks hurryin' down the hillside, till you could jest SEE the place he was talkin' about. But now now he's comin' to full conscientiousness, the doctor says; an' he don't talk of anything only only the dark.

Fisher was hurryin' along to join the rest o' the committee 't the bandstand, 'n' he met her next. She lowered her head 'n' jus' gouged Mr. Fisher's three-quarters around him 'n' tore right on. She took the crick road, 'n' Polly Allen 'n' Sam Duruy was out walkin' 'n' see her pass. They say greased lightenin' was donkeys to the way she went.

"With mustard?" says I. "Heaps!" says she. Three minutes later I'm hurryin' back with both hands full, when I notices another taxi standin' out front. Then who should step out but this Ballard party, in a silk hat and a swell fur-lined overcoat. "Young man," says he, "haven't I seen you somewhere before?" "Uh-huh," says I. "I'm your private sec." "Wha-a-at?" says he. "My oh, yes! I remember.

It is a trampin' on over the Western slopes, a trampin' over red men, and black men, and some white men a hurryin' on to the West hurryin' on to the sea. And what then? Is there a tide of restfulness a layin' before it? Some cool waters of repose where it will bathe its tired forward, and its stun-bruised feet, and set there for some time? I don't s'pose so. I don't s'pose it is in its nater to.

I had to stop off at Newport, to get things started for another wreck there, and that took me the rest of that day and the next, and then I was all ready to take the night boat for New York, but my oldest boy came hurryin' down the dock to me, and an old lady no not so old, but lookin' old with him.