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Updated: August 26, 2024

Cyrus harnessed up our horse an' went after Dr. Parks, an' by the time he come, we'd got the room so's to look decent. An' if you'll b'lieve it! Lyddy Ann was in the bedroom tryin' to warm Josh up an' make him take some hot drink; but when I begun to sweep up, an' swop towards that gravel-pile in the middle o' the floor, she come hurryin' up, all out o' breath.

Well, you see dey ain't no doctor here an' we can't git one to come here neither. So we must take Mas' Sam to whar' dey is doctors, do you see?" "That's all very well," said Tom, "but how are we to do that?" "Now you'se hurryin' me again, Mas' Tom. Dat's just what I'se a-comin' to.

But before he could lay down eternal law, we sort o' heard, almost before we knew we heard, folks hurryin' past out here on the frozen ground. An' they was shoutin', like questions, an' a-shoutin' further off. We looked out, an' I can remember how the whole slope up from the village there was black with folks. "We run outside, an' I know I kep' close by Abel Halsey.

"The lown win' maun be his breath sae quaiet! He 's no hurryin' himsel' the nicht. There 's never naebody rins efter him. Eh, Phemy! I jist thoucht he was gauin' to speyk!" This last exclamation he uttered in a whisper, as the louder gush of a larger tide pulse died away on the shore. "Luik, Phemy, luik!" he resumed. "Luik oot yonner! Dinna ye see something 'at micht grow to something?"

"You see," Tim had said, "we can't tell whether the preacher is goin' to live or die, an' it would be a pity to risk lettin' him miss seein' the old woman and my wife if he is goin' to die; an' if he isn't goin' under this time, why, there's no harm in hurryin' a bit wi' the moon, too, shinin' like the bottom of a new tin kettle in the sky." The chief had no objections to make.

"'Fat's all the stushie? I asked them. They just leuch at me, and said they were hurryin' so they could hear Harry Lauder sing. They said he was the comic frae Glasga, and they asked me was I no gang wi' them tae the Toon Ha' to hear his concert. "'No, I says. 'All the siller in the hoose maun gang for the rent, and it's due on Setterday.

An' if I wanted to rescoo the gurl I hed to be hurryin'. There was five fellers left in the cabin. "I went back to the thicket where I hed left my hoss, an' loaded up with two more guns an' another belt, an' busted a fresh box of shells. If I recollect proper, I got some cigarettes, too. Well, I mozied back to the cabin.

We set down together, an' I 'm sure I appreciated what she 'd done; but 't wa'n't no time for real conversation whilst we was to the table, and before we got quite through the doctor come hurryin' along, an' I had to leave. He asked us if we 'd had a good talk, as we come out, an' I could n't help laughing to myself; but she said quite hearty that she 'd had a nice visit from me.

Aunt Mary cried breathlessly. "Has he got someone with him? Run, Lucinda, an’ bring her in. She needn’t wipe her feet, tell her; you can brush the hall afterwards. Well, why ain’t you hurryin’?" Lucinda was hurrying, her curiosity being as potent as the commands of her mistress, and five seconds later Janice appeared in the door with her predecessor just behind her—a striking contrast.

And me name goes bouncin' down to histhry as a man that brought roon to his counthry, an' two hundherd years fr'm now little childer atin' their milk with chop sticks in Kenosha, Wisconsin, will curse me f'r me wickedness instead iv blessin' th' mimry iv a man that done so much to keep their fathers fr'm hurryin' home at night. So I stayed away. F'r a moment th' peril is over.

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