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I kud see their long tongues lollin' out, an' the smoke steamin' from their open mouths. "Bein' now no longer hampered by the blanket, I made the best use I could o' my arms. Twice I got hold o' the lariat, but afore I kud set myself to pull up the runnin' hoss, it wur jerked out o' my hand agin.

Anyway I'd like to try my hand with him. Bill, I'm goin' to get hold of him some of these days if I have to ride a hundred miles an' swim a river!" Kilduff grunted. "Let the damn wolf be. You c'n have him, I say. What I'm thinkin' about is the hoss. Hal, do you remember the way he settled to his stride when he lighted out after Red Pete?" Purvis shrugged his shoulders. "You're a fool, Bill.

But the deakin," added David, "he, he, he, he! the deakin hain't hardly spoke to me fer some consid'able time, the deakin hain't. He, he, he! "Another thing," he went on, "the' ain't no gamble like a hoss.

"Blicky!" exclaimed the tall man. "Kells, there's news. I seen Jesse's hoss." Kells let out a strange, exultant cry. The excited talk among the men gave place, to a subdued murmur, then subsided. Blicky was running a horse up the road, hanging low over him, like an Indian. He clattered to the bench, scattered the men in all directions. The fiery horse plunged and pounded.

"No." "Roy, a strange rider passed us before dark. He was hittin' the road. An' he's got by here before you came." "I don't like thet news," replied Roy, tersely. "Let's rustle. With girls on hossback you'll need all the start you can get. Hey, John?" "Snake Anson shore can foller hoss tracks," replied the third man. "Milt, say the word," went on Roy, as he looked up at the stars.

White shouldn't deal with you direct, an' yit mebbe I could do more with him 'n you could. But, he says, 'I wa'n't cal'latin' to go t' the village this mornin', an' I sent my hired man off with my drivin' hoss. Mebbe I'll drop 'round in a day or two, he says, 'an' look at the roan.

"Way down there! You don't mean you follered them hoss tracks thet far?" "All the way from Don Carlos's rancho across the Mexican line. I took Nick Steele with me. Nick is the best tracker in the outfit. This trail we were on led along the foothill valleys. First we thought whoever made it was hunting for water. But they passed two ranches without watering. At Seaton's Wash they dug for water.

"I am very grateful indeed for your hospitality, and as a Virginian I heartily sympathize with your sentiment about not taking pay for food and lodging, but " "That's all right, Mister. You meant fa'r an' squa'r. But you know how it is. Chargin' fer a dinner an' a hoss feed is low down Yankee business.

They've been thegither in this world in the doin' o' many a rascally deed. Let's send 'em thegither inter the next." "All right, ole hoss! I'll be riddy," is the laconic rejoinder of Cully. After it another interval of silence, resembling that which usually precedes the falling of the gallows drop. So profound, that the chirp of a tree cricket, even the rustling of a leaf, would seem a loud noise.

Seems like I can move that arm a little. P'raps she aint broke after all." Bart jumped rather clumsily into the car. "Hit her up now, kid. We ought to make up some for the time we put in here. Been a preachin' to him, ain't you, Jim? It's just as well that he knowed how things lie, 'cause we can't afford to have any foolin'?" he observed. "I warned him that we wouldn't put up with any hoss play.