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"An' what's more th' cunnin' devils like as not are still on th' trail of that thar skin map th' old miner gave th' boys. That's why I reckon we'll need tew be some cautious." "But, where is this wonderful skin map and that big gold nugget?" cried Rex Holt, his eyes shining and his face flushing.

"That's the talk," added Holt. "Just what I was thinking of," said Herring, "and if you fellows will stop talking so much, I'll tell you how we can fix it." These boys were just the sort to attack another with the odds against him and never had a notion that there was anything cowardly in that way of accomplishing their ends.

Holt had left behind him apologies for unavoidable absence. Would Mr. Stretton call again at three? He wandered desolately home, and; waited, and when the time drew near set out again. This time the dramatist was ready to: receive him. 'The lady who will sing the songs is here, he said, 'and with your permission I will ask her to try them over now. Will you come with me?

The veiled woman never stopped until she reached the street, then paused for a moment and looked back as she reached the nearest gas lamp. As the flickering rays of the street lamp fell athwart her face, the features of Nadine Holt were clearly revealed, her black eyes blazing, and her jet black hair streaming wildly about her face.

Even the armed men at the bottom of the vallon said not a word; and perceiving that, by the defection of Holt, there was almost gun for gun against them, they showed no signs of advancing to the protection of their apostolic leader. The latter appeared for a moment to vacillate.

There is a path that runs across the glade, bisecting it into two nearly equal parts. It is a tiny track, evidently not much used. It conducts from the stream on which stands the cabin of the squatter Holt, to another "fork" of the same river the Obion where clearings are numerous, and where there is also a large settlement bearing the dignified title of "town."

To do his bidding, Dade flicked the reins upon Surry's neck and rode ahead, the others closely following. Thirty feet from the wagon a great dog of the color called brindle disputed his advance with bristling hair and throaty grumble. "Lay down, Tige! Wait till you're asked to take a holt," advised the man on the wagon, regarding the group with an air of perfect neutrality.

She thus describes, the locality in Felix Holt: "Here were powerful men walking queerly, with knees bent outward from squatting in the mine, going home to throw themselves down in their blackened flannel, and sleep through the daylight, then rise and spend much of their high wages at the alehouse with their fellows of the Benefit Club; here the pale, eager faces of handloom weavers, men and women, haggard from sitting up late at night to finish the week's work, hardly begun till the Wednesday.

Jacob Holt stooped and lifted it from the grass where it had fallen, and Davie looked at him with amazed and angry eyes, as he opened it and taking out the folded slip of paper, offered it to him, while he kept the squire's letter and the money in his hand. "Read that first," said Jacob hoarsely, and then he went away round the corner of the house out of sight, and Mr Maxwell followed him.

Should Master Holt for I believe that is my predecessor's name should he prove amiable, I may consent to go a little in your debt, and pay him for whatever log-chopping he has done. If otherwise, by the Lady of Guadalupe! you remember our old Mexican shibboleth he shall be cleared out of his clearing sans facon. Perhaps we have been wasting words upon an ideal existence!