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"They are coming," said a soldier, calling back to a comrade, who only laughed and passed on towards the kitchen, loaded down with sacks of flour. A restless movement passed through the kneeling battalion of infantry. "Fiche moi la paix, hein!" muttered a lieutenant, looking resentfully at a gossiping farrier. Another lieutenant drew his sword, and wiped it on the sleeve of his jacket.

That's a system that does away with stamped papers and bureaucracy, the curse of France, hein?" "By virtue of what right?" said Leger. "Right? why it is a land of despotism. They haven't any rights. Don't you know the fine definition Montesquieu gives of despotism. 'Like the savage, it cuts down the tree to gather the fruits. They don't tax, they take everything."

"Professor," pleaded Dick, as the old man bent over the padlock, "don't do it; I don't want any fortune. Oh, Lord! I shall have two fits! Yow! Help! there he goes!" and as the box opened Dick sprang on to the bed. "Quite harmless," said the professor, as he flung back the lid; "and but how splendid, wunderschoen, hein?

"Hein? it isn't dear; your nephew will take four thousand francs for new pictures in the place of the old ones. It is," she whispered in his ear, "a very good way to give him four thousand francs; he doesn't look to me very flush " "Well, nephew, I will pay you four thousand francs for the copies "

"How you vass, Cabtin Burke?" said Schenke, an enormous fair-headed Teuton, powerful-looking, but run sadly to fat in his elder years. "You t'ink you get a chanst now, hein? . . . Now de Yankee is goin' avay!" He pointed over to the Presidio, where the Flint lay at anchor. We followed the line of his fat forefinger. At anchor, yes, but the anchor nearly a-weigh.

Monsieur!" he groaned. "I have an idea," said the tempter. "A little earth rubbed upon one side of the head perhaps a trifling scratch to show a few drops of blood. You have been assaulted, beaten down, despite a heroic resistance, and left for dead. An hour afterward you stagger into the house a frightful object. Hein?" The withered face of the old man expanded slowly into a senile grin.

"Ach, gentlemens," said he, beaming from one to the other, and absolutely exuding good temper and conciliation; "why quarrel on this so-splendid an expedition, hein? Let us then return to the Herr Prospector Junes' choice let us accede to this so good man's request, hein?" "Right," snorted Grosman; "but if the damned place is no good don't blame me and don't condemn the field.

"C'est beau, tout de meme, when one is young and rich." This was a generous partisan, a girl with a miniature copy of her own round face a copy that was tied up in a shawl, very snug; it was a bundle that could not possibly be in any one's way, even on a somewhat prolonged tour of observation of Havre's shipping interests. "And the blonde one what do you think of her, hein?"

She produces herself at Paris, Bordeaux, Lyons, Marseilles, Madrid, Milan and Rome, but her home in Brussels, always she returns there, your understand me, hein? La petite Marcelle of The Seven Duponts, Marcelle Blondinet of the cafe chantant, has blossomed out into a star of the first importance." The Colonel paused and cleared his throat.

"Mebbe heem Docteur no die now, hein! Mebbe heem leeve now. I think heem no die. What you think?" "We hope and pray he may get well, my good man," answered the parson. We went in, and Dr. Johnson rose. "I can see no change as yet," he said, "but then it is hardly possible that any should occur so soon. At any rate he is no worse." So Mr. Barnett and I sat down by the bed, and Dr.