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"But, dearest Miss Hazeltine, I beg of you to hear me out; my behaviour, strange as it may seem, is not unsusceptible of explanation; and I positively cannot and will not consent to continue to try to exist without without the esteem of one whom I admire the moment is ill chosen, I am well aware of that; but I repeat the expression one whom I admire."

Hazeltine is calling on me more than any other person or persons in this house?" This was something of a poser, but the Captain did his best. He sat on the edge of a chair and rubbed his knee, and then blurted out, "Well, I s'pose I that is, we thought he was, jest 'cause he nat'rally would; that's 'bout all. If I'd thought why, see here, Elsie, don't YOU think he's comin' to see you?"

Hazeltine, this is my friend, Cap'n John Baxter." The two shook hands, and then Captain Eri said: "John, I brought down them barrels for you. Hawkins got 'em here, same as he always does, by the skin of his teeth. Stand by now, 'cause I've got to deliver Mr. Hazeltine at the station, and it's gittin' late."

Here was a last injustice; he had been robbed while he was an orphan at school, he had been lashed to a decadent leather business, he had been saddled with Miss Hazeltine, his cousin had been defrauding him of the tontine, and he had borne all this, we might almost say, with dignity, and now they had gone and killed his uncle!

After a long while they heard someone whistling. Perez went to the window to take an observation. "It's a man," he said disappointedly. "He's been to our house, too. My land! I hope he didn't go in. It's that feller Hazeltine; that's who 'tis." "Is it?" exclaimed Eri eagerly. "That's so! so 'tis. Let's give him a hail."

"Pardon me for remarking, my dear Flint," replied Waldron, stretching himself between the silken sheets and reaching for a cigarette, "that the appointment was not of my making. Also that I was up, last night this morning, rather till three-thirty. And in the next place, that scoundrel Hazeltine, trimmed me out of eighty-six thousand in four hours " "Roulette again, you idiot?" demanded Flint.

The air of complete indifference assumed by the young lady was a triumph. "Why, of course," she said, "Mr. Hazeltine is a free agent, and I don't know of any reason why he should be compelled to go where he doesn't wish to go. I enjoyed his society, and I'm sure Captain Eri and Mrs.

"If he should ever be fool enough to get in my way " "Hang Thimble-rig Jem," cried Hazeltine. "Is it a bet, Lascelles?" "What?" "That you nab our one in half an hour?" Mr. Lascelles affected an aristocratic drawl. "No, I was joking. I couldn't afford to leave the fire for thirty pounds. Why should I run after the poor dayvil? Find him yourselves. He never annoyed me. Got a cigar, Miles?"

Mr Jimson only answered by a distressing cough; and the next moment the girl was on her knees, and their faces had almost knocked together under the table. 'O, my gracious goodness! exclaimed Miss Hazeltine, and sprang to her feet. 'Mr Forsyth gone mad! 'I am not mad, said the gentleman ruefully, extricating himself from his position. 'Dearest.

She's after me, too, but I'm 'fraid she don't git much encouragement." After they had talked a little longer, the Captain seemed to remember something, for he glanced at his watch and said, "Mr. Hazeltine, I wonder if I could git you to do me a favor. I really ought to go down and see to my shanty.