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'And let me explain to all, he goes on. 'Some time ago Mr. It seems that the time was up at twelve o'clock to-night. I came near fetching you, though, Deering, on that soup question, says the old boy, standing up and grabbing Sir Percival's hand. "The halberdier lets out a yell and jumps three feet high. "'Look out for those hands, says he, and he holds 'em up.

And he made a snatch at the rein of the monarch's horse and drew back his own for him to pass, closely followed by Leoni, who was just in time to rise in his stirrups and make a thrust at a tall halberdier who had suddenly stepped forward to seize the rein of Francis's horse.

A halberdier paced the open gallery at the head of the Giant's Stairs, and, here and there, the footfall of other sentinels might be heard among the hollow and ponderous arches of the long corridors. No light was shed from the windows; but the entire building presented a fit emblem of that mysterious power which was known to preside over the fortunes of Venice and her citizens.

"Of those up there," observed the halberdier from Haarlem under his breath, "a man would most willingly stiffen his back for Quijada." "Except their Majesties, of course," added the Catalonian with dignity. "Of course," the other repeated. "Besides, the Emperor Charles himself bestows every honour on Don Luis. I was in Algiers at the time.

The halberdier, whose weapon I now grasped in one hand, while I held my sword in the other, took fright, let his weapon go, and ran from the courtyard through the open gateway. The arquebusier tried to bring his weapon to bear on Frojac, but Frojac dropped on his knees and, thrusting from below, ran his sword into the man's belly. The man fell with a groan, dropping his weapon and his match.

I should be afraid of the innumerable night of fir trees, afraid to come upon a blood-red cup and the beating of the wings of the Eagle. But all these things can be imagined by remaining reverently in the Harrow train." And he thoughtfully retouched his design for the head-dress of the halberdier of St. John's Wood, a design in black and red, compounded of a pine tree and the plumage of an eagle.

After gazing at him for some minutes, in mixed wonderment and fright, the halberdier ventured to draw near him.

We shall have a nice supper up there; but if you will grant us one favour the illusion will be perfect give us your halberdier to wait on our table. "That hits the boss's antiology hobby just right. 'Sure, says he, 'dot vill be fine. Und der orchestra shall blay "Die Wacht am Rhein" all der time. And he goes over and tells the halberdier to go upstairs and hustle the grub at the swells' table.

Have anoder waiter if you like, und let mein halberdier go back und stand mit his halberd. But, gentlemen, he says, pointing to the old man, 'you go ahead and sue mit der dress. Sue me for $600 or $6,000. I stand der suit. And the boss puffs off down-stairs. Old Brockmann was an all-right Dutchman. "Just then the clock strikes twelve, and the old guy laughs loud. 'You win, Deering, says he.

As they came down-stairs Sir Percival passes him a ten-case note. The new halberdier drops his halberd, and it falls on the cigar-case. That's how that happened." In the Gate City of the South the Confederate Veterans were reuniting; and I stood to see them march, beneath the tangled flags of the great conflict, to the hall of their oratory and commemoration.