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It landed on his shoulder, wound its legs about his neck, and with its long arms made a wild grab for the revolver. Then began a strange and terrible struggle for the possession of the weapon. Even as he fought the beast, Billie realized that in some manner the ape had learned to fear firearms, but whether it had ever learned to use them he could not venture a guess.

The action being rightly interpreted, the men held their fire, and as my next thought was the King's pass I reached under my coat-skirt for the document, but this motion being taken as a grab for my pistol, the whole lot of them some ten in number again aimed at me, and with such loud demands for surrender that I threw up my hands and ran into their ranks.

So, while spooning out the text, he made a grab at the creature, which might be a centipede for all he knew; and then, as it ascended, and his voice ascended a note or two, with the words "be without fear," he slapped still higher.

He would dash into the water, not going far from shore, though, and then he would jump back, barking all the while. Once or twice he tried to grab, in his sharp teeth, something that seemed to be swimming in the water. But either Splash could not get it, or he was afraid to come too close to it. "Oh, Daddy! What is it? What is it?" asked Bunny and Sue. Mr.

Did any Samana or Brahman ever fear, someone might come and grab him and steal his learning, and his religious devotion, and his depth of thought? No, for they are his very own, and he would only give away from those whatever he is willing to give and to whomever he is willing to give. Like this it is, precisely like this it is also with Kamala and with the pleasures of love.

Simmonds sought Dale's counsel by an underlook, but that hapless sportsman could offer no suggestion, so the other made the best of a bad business. "I'll do that, of course, my lord," he said with alacrity. "Just grab his lordship's dressing-case from that porter and shove it inside," he went on, eying Dale fiercely, well knowing that the whole collapse arose from a cause but too easily traced.

Then I'll get the ducats off of you and beat it across through the Hudson Tube to the Manhattan Transfer and grab the rattler over there in Jersey when she comes along from this side. That'll be all. Now hustle!" From the drug store he went, carrying the brown suit case with him, round into Forty-second Street.

"Hurry, Ned!" shouted Tad Butler fairly electrified by the thought that suddenly flashed over him. "What is it? What is it?" "I I don't know, but I think it's a car of ore rushing down the grade toward us." "We're dead ones, then!" cried Ned. "Be quick, Ned! Grab Walt and run as you never ran before! "On, on! Keep to your right so you don't get on the return track. Oh, Hurry!"

Amy's face became suddenly earnest and sober, "Because, my young friend, you are especially fortunate. A kindly Providence has placed you in the care of one of the wisest, most respected, er finest examples of young manhood this institution affords. I certainly do congratulate you!" Amy made another grab at Clint's hand, but the latter foiled him.

The successful manager is no longer going to grab thoughtlessly at any old, idle, foolish pot of money that may be offered to him. He is going to study the man who goes with it, see how he will vote and see whether he knows his place, whether he is a Hewer, for instance, who thinks he is an Inventor. Does he or does he not know which he is, an Inventor, an Artist, or a Hewer?