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The lieutenant paused: "All I can say is if there is any such man in the company, he had better keep his mouth shut and be pretty damn careful what he writes home.... Dismissed!" He shouted the order grimly, as if it were the order for the execution of the offender. "That goddam skunk Eisenstein," said someone. The lieutenant heard it as he walked away.

Chrisfield felt suddenly cool and joyous. He felt anger taking possession of him. He seemed to be standing somewhere away from himself watching himself get angry. "This place has got to be cleaned up.... That damn General may come back to look over quarters," went on Anderson coolly. "You call me a goddam liar," said Chrisfield again, putting as much insolence as he could summon into his voice.

You ain't never been at the front, you goddam slacker." The man was yelling at the top of his lungs. He had hold of the counter with two hands and swayed from side to side. His friend was trying to pull him away. "Look here, none of that, I'll report you," said the "Y" man. "Is there a non-commissioned officer in the hut?"

I was walking by the guardhouse when they found out about it." "What company did he belong ter?" "Dunno." "What's his name?" "Some guy on trial for insubordination. Punched an officer in the jaw." "I'd a liked to have seen that." "Anyhow he's fixed himself this time." "You're goddam right."

I won't work!" this being our Mobland nickname for the I.W.W. Some one had daubed the letters on the sides of the wagon, using the red paint; and a drunken fellow standing near me shook his clenched fist at the wretch on top and bellowed in a fog-horn voice: "Hey, there, you goddam Arnychist, if you're a prophet, come down from that there wagon and cure my venereal disease!"

The eyes were contracted with anger and there was a flush under the tan of the boyish face. "Ah didn't git in this here army to be ordered around by a goddam wop," he muttered. "Doesn't matter much who you're ordered around by, you're ordered around just the same," said Andrews. "Where d'ye come from, buddy?" "Oh, I come from New York. My folks are from Virginia," said Andrews.

That shows how much the goddam frawgs care...." The orderly was a short man with a sallow, lined face and large yellow teeth. When he smiled the horizontal lines in his forehead and the lines that ran from the sides of his nose to the ends of his mouth deepened so that his face looked as if it were made up to play a comic part in the movies.

"Sampan number one! goddam!" he said; and, holding up two hands, he turned down seven fingers to show that we had come in seven days. Then he pointed to other boats that we were passing, and counted on his fingers fifteen, whereby I knew he was demonstrating that, had I gone in any other boat but his, I should have been fifteen days on the way instead of seven.

"Ain't he got hard luck?" came a voice from the crowd. "Yes, I have got hard luck, Buddy," said the lanky man, looking at the faces about him out of sunken eyes. "I ought to be getting forty dollars a week and here I am getting seven and in the army besides." "I meant that you were gettin' out of this goddam army." "The army, the army, the democratic army," chanted someone under his breath.

"Sit down and have a drink, Chris," he said, "Remember you're going to sleep with the Queen of Sheba tonight." "Not if I can't git them goddam...." his voice trailed off into an inaudible muttering of oaths. "O the oak and the ash and the weeping willow tree, O green grows the grass in God's countree!" somebody sang again.