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He does not understand the French tongue, though he speaks it with great fluency and incredible success. He holds up a warning hand. "Now, keep your 'and off the tap of the gas-meter for one minute if you please," he rejoins, "and let me get a word in edgeways. I want" with great emphasis "vinblank one, vinrooge two, bogeys six, Dom one. Compree?"

"Better do it on a grand scale in a thirty horse-power motor-boat than in a gas-meter bath-tub of a five-room flat in Clapham," I remarked; and somehow that silenced Phyllis, except for a sigh. Since then I've been in a whirl of excitement preparing my watery path as a motor-boat adventuress, and buying a dress or two to suit the part.

Bunting was too shrewd a woman to have anything to do with that kind of business. There was a proper gas-meter, and she paid for what she consumed after she had consumed it. Putting her candle down on the well-scrubbed wooden table, she turned up the gas-jet, and blew out the candle.

Listen,” Billy said. “Last night I happened to fall into conversation with a young Irishman who had come to read the gas-meter in my house. I asked him where he came from. He said, ‘Aldigarey, County Sligo.’ I asked him if he knew Annie Flynn. ‘Sure, didn’t she marry my cousin? She lives—’ Well, the short of it is that I went right over to see her, though it was late then.

"Yes, but one reporter in particular a beast by the name of Mayfair, I've had a tip that he suspects something; already he's tried to get into the house as a gas-meter inspector." At the mention of that indomitable, remorseless, undeceivable newsgatherer, Mayfair, and the possibility of his gaining entrance into the house, Mrs. De Peyster experienced a new shudder. "What would be the harm if Mr.

Conne asked. "Yes, but I s'pose maybe they were in a hurry and had other things to think about, maybe. A man came there again just the other day, too, and said he wanted to read the gas-meter. But he looked all 'round the cellar." "Hmm," Mr. Conne said dryly. "Tom, if you don't look out you'll make a detective one of these days. I see you've got the same old wide-awake pair of eyes as ever."

It is desirable, though not essential, that the home contain facilities for entertaining. Essential Parts of a House Double Use of Rooms Utility of Piazzas Landscape Gardening Water-supply Water-power Illumination Dangers from Gas How to Read a Gas-meter How to Test Kerosene Care of Lamps Use of Candles Making the Best of the Old House.

Tell her right at the start the worst about the butcher, and the grocer, and the iceman, and the milkman, and the plumber, and the gas-meter that they want their money and that it has to come out of that little roll of bills. Then give her enough to pay them, even if you have to grab for your lunch from a high stool.

He has too much variety at present. During one of the cold spells of last winter the gas-meter in my cellar was frozen. I attempted to thaw it out by pouring hot water over it, but after spending an hour upon the effort I emerged from the contest with the meter with my feet and trousers wet, my hair full of dust and cobwebs and my temper at fever heat.

I knowed it, because they had iron tips. A rod with iron tips is no better'n a clothes-prop to ward off lightnin'." "The man who sold them to me said they had platinum tips," remarked Keyser. "Ah! this is a wicked world, Mr. Keyser. You can't be too cautious. Some of these yer agents lie like a gas-meter. It's awful, sir. They are wholly untrustworthy.