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'And wot if they are! said Mrs Gamp 'Nothing if they are, said Mrs Prig. 'But don't deny it, Sairah. 'Who deniges of it? Mrs Gamp inquired. Mrs Prig returned no answer. 'WHO deniges of it, Betsey? Mrs Gamp inquired again. Then Mrs Gamp, by reversing the question, imparted a deeper and more awful character of solemnity to the same. 'Betsey, who deniges of it?

By degrees, a horrible remembrance of one branch of her calling took possession of the woman; and stooping down, she pinned his wandering arms against his sides, to see how he would look if laid out as a dead man. Her fingers itched to compose his limbs in that last marble attitude. 'Ah! said Mrs Gamp, walking away from the bed, 'he'd make a lovely corpse.

And don't trust him at any time; for when he seems most rational, he's wildest in his talk. But that you know already. Let me see the other. 'The t'other person, sir? said Mrs Gamp. 'Aye! Go you to him and send the other. Quick! I'm busy. Mrs Gamp took two or three backward steps towards the door, and stopped there.

As a class, the players had no social position of any kind, although the great ones of the earth, the men of rank, never hesitated to hobnob with them when, like Mrs. Gamp, they felt "so dispoged."

'Mr Sweedlepipe, take as much care of your lady-lodger as you can, and give her a word or two of good advice now and then. Such, said old Martin, looking gravely at the astonished Mrs Gamp, 'as hinting at the expediency of a little less liquor, and a little more humanity, and a little less regard for herself, and a little more regard for her patients, and perhaps a trifle of additional honesty.

Her own preparations were of the best, for they comprehended a delicate new loaf, a plate of fresh butter, a basin of fine white sugar, and other arrangements on the same scale. Even the snuff with which she now refreshed herself, was so choice in quality that she took a second pinch. 'There's the little bell a-ringing now, said Mrs Gamp, hurrying to the stair-head and looking over.

Gamp, who has a face for all occasions, thereupon putting on her mourning countenance, the surrounding matrons, while rating her visitor roundly, signify that they would be glad to know what he means by terrifying delicate females with "his corpses!" The unoffending gentleman eventually, after hustling Mrs. Gamp into the cabriolet, drives off "overwhelmed with popular execration."

But that's all past and over, Mr Mould; as she thus got in a carefully regulated routine to that gentleman, she shook her head waggishly; 'That's all past and over now, sir, an't it? 'Changes, Mrs Gamp, changes! returned the undertaker. 'More changes too, to come, afore we've done with changes, sir, said Mrs Gamp, nodding yet more waggishly than before.

I've brought another, which engages to give every satigefaction. 'What is her name? asked Jonas. Mrs Gamp looked at him in an odd way without returning any answer, but appeared to understand the question too. 'What is her name? repeated Jonas. 'Her name, said Mrs Gamp, 'is Harris. It was extraordinary how much effort it cost Mrs Gamp to pronounce the name she was commonly so ready with.

'Oh yes, you do know, sir! said Mrs Gamp, 'and so does Mrs Mould, your 'ansome pardner too, sir; and so do I, although the blessing of a daughter was deniged me; which, if we had had one, Gamp would certainly have drunk its little shoes right off its feet, as with our precious boy he did, and arterward send the child a errand to sell his wooden leg for any money it would fetch as matches in the rough, and bring it home in liquor; which was truly done beyond his years, for ev'ry individgle penny that child lost at toss or buy for kidney ones; and come home arterwards quite bold, to break the news, and offering to drown himself if sech would be a satisfaction to his parents.