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"I telled 'un afore startin' as how t'were a bit of a job, an' he asks me kin I make it, an' I says I expect I kin, like enough, wid luck. Then he tells me ter think o' th' old woman an' th' children, an' I says it's all right. Frenchy he were willin' too, so in course we started."

She had spread the pink coverlet on her couch, and when she set the big pink bowl filled with mallows on the table the effect was exquisite. "I think perhaps that's a little Frenchy," she said, "and you may have to be educated to it; but salmon pink and buttercup yellow are colours I love in combination."

Thereupon the discussion was directed at the judge, and the forenoon passed very pleasantly, Frenchy even smiling in his misery. Shortly after noon, Hopalong, who had ridden with his head bowed low in meditation, looked up and slapped his thigh. Then he looked at Red and grinned.

"Hey, Frenchy," another of our men put in, stalking up to the clerk, "I reckon this here store's ourn, ef we've a mind to tek it. I 'low you'll give us the rum and the 'bacey. Come on, boys!" In between him and the clerk leaped a little, robin-like man with a red waistcoat, beside himself with rage.

"Yu live close to yoreself or I'll throw yu so high th' sun'll duck," replied Frenchy, a smile illuminating his face. "Hey, cookie," remarked Hopalong confidentially, "I know who put up this joke on yu. Yu ask Billy who hid th' hat," suggested the tease. "Here he comes now see how queer he looks." "Th' mournful Piute," ejaculated the cook. "I'll shore make him wish he'd kept on his own trail.

"Yes," he roared, usin' a lot o' high-power words 'at ain't needful in repetin', "take your blame junk an' get out o' here." I nodded to the bar mop. "Shall I get 'em, Frenchy?" sez he. "Yes, for heaven's sake, get 'em," sez the snarley one, while some o' the boys snickered, but not too noticeable. Well, they was my saddle an' bridle all right, an' I thanked the bar mop an' flung 'em in a corner.

'Did you ever use any dogs on the expedition, Jerry? asked Alick, whose thoughts had been travelling along the silent white expanse of the far-away North. 'Dogs? No, muster, we didn't in them days. But Frenchy used to talk away, I remember, o' nights round the camp-fires, about the proper use dogs would be on an expedition.

"That's me," came in a groan from Frenchy. "Maybe they don't want me," murmured Ikey. "Don't you fool yourself," returned Whistler promptly. "We couldn't do without you." "But they ain't wigwaging no more, Whistler." "Maybe the sailor doin' it got tired," offered Torry. "R-O-S-E-N-M-E-Y-E-R!" came the signal presently. "See them coming, boys!" "Some speed there!" "He's after us," said Torry.

Jim, Hans, Bendin, an' Frenchy an' a lot more are fo' doing' somethin' with him. Yessah, dey is dat. Hab a leetle nip 'fore yo' goes?" I took one and went back to the quarter-deck. The speck to leeward showed a bit of storm canvas flying, and we soon could make out she was a large ship hove to like ourselves on the port tack.

The Turks as a nation have the reputation of being solemn-visaged, imperturbable people, yet one occasionally finds them quite animated and "Frenchy" in their behavior the bicycle may, however, be in a measure responsible for this.