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Their dress consisted of a plain black gown with round cape and close fitting hood, on each side of which projected black gauze flaps extended on wires, shading their withered, ill-favoured countenances, and making them look indeed more like female inquisitors, ogres, or Witches of Endor than human beings.

For he ain't a man and he ain't a boy; but jest a short, half-grown up chunk of a fellow, with bunchy shoulders, and a big head, with a mouth like an oven, and long lap ears like saddle flaps." In this manner the pedler informed Ralph of all those previous particulars with which he had not till then been made acquainted.

You see I'm not regular, so, while I have the run of the small tops, they won't pass me in at the big flaps." Andy walked over with his new acquaintance to the menagerie. The watchman at the door admitted them at a word from Andy. The trainers, keepers and manager were busy about the place, feeding the animals, cleaning the cages and the like.

There is a tent there of gray canvas, which flaps like a flag, and on its fluttering wall the dawn lights up a bloody cross. Sometimes, when we are high enough for our eyes to unbury themselves, I can dimly see some geometrical lines, so confused, so desolated by distance, that I do not know if it is our country or the other; even when one sees he does not know. Our looks are worn away in looking.

"Listen!" A plane was in sight! Rick identified it as a prop-driven Navy utility job. No doubt of it, Gordon was arriving! They watched eagerly as the plane lost altitude, flaps and wheels lowered for the landing. The pilot brought it in over the big radar antenna on the laboratory roof, then dropped onto the runway for a three-point landing opposite the orchard.

The ghost-room is the tapestry-room, from which there is a staircase down to the breakfast-room. A good deal of the tapestry is loose, and when there is any wind it flaps and flaps. Hence all the tales.... The servants are rather bewildered by the size of everything, and like me were almost too excited to sleep.... The children are wandering blissfully about, exploring everything.

How dainty and sweet she was sitting there in her neat-fitting outing suit of dark gray with scarlet pipings and buttons and pocket flaps, and the scarlet of her full lips, and the coral tint of her cheeks, the white hands and white throat and brow, the dark eyes and finely shaped head with abundant beautiful hair.

He thought that he was sick in his heart if you could be sick in that place. Fleming was very decent to ask him. He wanted to cry. He leaned his elbows on the table and shut and opened the flaps of his ears. Then he heard the noise of the refectory every time he opened the flaps of his ears. It made a roar like a train at night.

He had just reached the flaps, the ropes of which he was loosening, and Bunny and his sister were hardly in their mother's cot a tight fit for three when the canvas house was violently shaken and within the very tent itself sounded a loud: "Moo! Moo!" "Oh, it's a cow!" cried Bunny. "And I can see it!" cried Sue, poking her head out between the curtains nearest her mother's bed. "I can see it."

One of them, who had been stationed upon a log at some distance up the lake, and apparently acting as a sentry, now ran out upon the log, and struck the water three quick heavy flaps with his tail. This was evidently a signal; for, the moment he had given it, the animal, as if pursued, pitched himself head-foremost into the lake, and disappeared.