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The finale of the last act I give up altogether. Nor can I understand why Elisabeth's prayer should be so long drawn out. Elisabeth has "nothing to do with the case." However, Wagner thought she had; so we can only be thankful when she finishes, and after Wolfram's song the action recommences with the entry of Tannhäuser.

But suppose no other rat is handy, what is poor hungry flea to do? When you can't get curry, eat rice! When flea can't get rat he eats man turns to nastier food. "So when flea from plague-stricken rat jumps on to man and bites him, poor fellow gets plague bus. Finale, enough, the end. "Didn't friends and family-members skeddaddle and bunk when they saw rat after I told them all that!

The second act of "La Belle Helene" was not yet over when Appleton entered and stood at the rear of the parquet circle. He indifferently watched the finale, made some mental comments upon the white flowing gown of Pauline Hall, the make-up of Fred Solomon, and the grotesqueness of the five Hellenic kings. Then he scanned the audience.

Harrigan alone went on with her work; she could work and listen at the same time. After the magnificent finale, nothing in the room stirred but her needle. "Bravo!" cried the Barone, breaking the spell. "You never played that better," declared Nora. Celeste, to escape the keen inquiry of her friend and to cover up her embarrassment, dashed into one of the lighter compositions, a waltz.

"If you would only trust and believe, would throw your whole nature into tune with spiritual law and order, you could get up off from that couch, tomorrow, and walk down to the post office and back again." Reed lost the great essential fact, unhappily, in gloating over the finale.

He is revived by the barber, and presented with the hand of Margiana. To this silly story Cornelius wrote music of extraordinary power and beauty. Much of it is of course light and trivial, but such scenes as that of the Muezzin call, or the wild confusion of the last finale, are fully worthy of the master upon whom Cornelius modelled his style.

She devotes her life to the care of the inebriate man, and, by way of pathetic retribution, she lives precisely long enough to nurse him back to sanity. Which finale do you prefer?" "Yours!" I said. "Thank you," said Julian, considerably gratified. "So do I. It's terser, more dramatic, and altogether a better advertisement.

But those extremely personal notices ran not alone to love. Mystery, too, was present, especially in the aquatic utterance: DEFIANT MERMAID: Not mine. Alligators bitingu now. 'Tis well; delighted. And the rather sanguinary suggestion: DE Box: First round; tooth gone. Finale. You will FORGET ME NOT. At this point West's strawberries arrived and even the Agony Column could not hold his interest.

Je lieber möcht ich im Himmel sein!" The soul strives to reach God with the passionate cry: "Ich bin von Gott und will wieder zu Gott." There is an apocalyptic finale where the choir sing Klopstock's beautiful ode on the promise of the Resurrection: "Aufersteh'n, ja, aufersteh'n wirst du, mein Staub, nach kurzer Ruh!"

They made all their gestures together, moved in masses simultaneously, and, without ceasing, chanted over and over again: "O terror, O blasfema." The finale commenced. Everybody on the stage took a step forward, beginning all over again upon a higher key. The soprano's voice thrilled to the very chandelier. The orchestra redoubled its efforts, the director beating time with hands, head, and body.